Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Three Minute Outlines

Please write a three minute outline for each of the two prompts listed below. These essay prompts are taken directly from past AP tests, so they will help you get a feel for what you can expect. Your outlines can be simple bullet point lists. THIS IS NOT A FULL ESSAY.

Please post by Friday at 4:30pm.

1. Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant. —Horace

Consider this quotation about adversity from the Roman poet Horace. Then write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies Horace’s assertion about the role that adversity (financial or political hardship, danger, misfortune, etc.) plays in developing a person’s character. Support your argument with appropriate evidence from your reading, observation, or experience.

2. The first Buy Nothing Day—a day on which people are urged to purchase no goods—was organized in Canada in 1992 as a way to increase awareness of excessive consumerism. A Buy Nothing Day has been held yearly since then in many nations. An online article, “Buy Nothing Day: 2006 Press Release,” urged worldwide acceptance of taking a “24-hour consumer detox as
part of the 14th annual Buy Nothing Day” in order to “expose the environmental and ethical consequences of overconsumption” (“Buy Nothing Day,” courtesy Adbusters,

Consider the implications of a day on which no goods are purchased. Then write an essay in which you develop a position on the establishment of an annual Buy Nothing Day. Support your argument with appropriate evidence.


  1. go back to the first article i finished the Sudan questions nysha johnson

  2. 1. Horace

    Thesis Statement: Horaces quote about adversity isnt the same for all people growing up. Some people can prosper from hardship while others can crash and burn.

    a) Explain what hardships are and how they can affect a person’s life

    b) Give an example of somebody famous who had a hard life but they put their talent to work and made it

    c) Give an example of a person who had a hard life and never amounted to anything because they felt worthless.

    2. Buy Nothing Day
    Thesis Statement: This buy Nothing Day is in Canada but it is not a day where I live. I can see why they would want a day like this but I don’t support it.

    a) Explain the importance of buy nothing day from their point of view

    b) My view on why I wouldn’t want to participate in such a day.

    c) Importance of stores being opened in Philadelphia everyday, and why we have convience stores.


    1. I really liked your Horace quote outline. I would love to read that paper. For the Buy Nothing day response, take a position on the concept in general, don't focus on the geography of it. Take a stand on whether you think the concept of a Buy Nothing Day is a good one or not. Great start.

  3. Thesis 1

    Horace quote about adversity is mostly the same for everybody . Many people do have their up and downs but they get through it .

    a)Explain about the hardship you been through and through that hardship your support system

    b)Describe your admire person hardship and compare it to yours

    c)Explain ideas of methods to get through your troubles even at your lowest

    Thesis 2
    This boy Nothing Day that's in Canada is not what we do where i'm from. I wish we had it here so that people can appreciate what they already have.

    A)View the benefits of buy products in general

    B)Explain the benefits of not spending money for a day

    C) Explain how not spending your money for a day can make you more resourceful and respect what you have

    Nysha Johnson

    1. This is a very strong start, Nysha! I like your stance on the Horace outline. A quick tip, try writing a topic sentence for your "supporting idea" as opposed to an overview of what you will write. It might be easier to then go back and write the essay. I love your supporting ideas for the Buy Nothing Day!! In your thesis statement, though, don't use "I." You should not write in first person for this kind of essay. Instead try, "A Buy Nothing Day would be very beneficial and should be universally applied."


    THESIS STATEMENT: Horace quote about adversity may be for mostly everyone but for some people it may not, as life is hard for that indivual and they may not get through the hardship.

    1) People may go through the worst experience and may cant deal with that experience in such a way the should.
    2) Through people hardship people may not understand why they are going through what they are going through.
    3) people who are going through misfotune may act upon it and handle any situation through their experience and feelings.


    THESIS STATEMENT: Buy nothing day is an organization in canada where people wont buy any good for that day. Not buying any goods for one day is a great oraganization to show awareness of increased consumerism.

    1) It help make people understand that they are buying unnessary good everyday.
    2) It help people control and see how much they consume goods everyday
    3) Makes people save money on that day or any other day instead of consuming and purchasing unnessary goods.

    Serina Banks

    1. Your Buy Nothing Day outline is really wonderful, great job. Pay attention to your grammar. The first outline is very confusing. Also, for the purposes of writing a strong argument, you may want to just pick one side of the argument- yes or no.

  5. Horace

    Thesis Statement: Horace’s quote on adversity has an effect on all people because everyone has been affected by some difficulty and hardship in their life.

    1) Everyone experiences difficulties in their life and they take it different ways.

    2) Hardships I have experienced

    3) How it affected me and what action I took

    Buy Nothing Day

    Thesis Statement: In Canada, Buy Nothing Day was established to raise awareness of excessive consumerism starting at 1992 and has been held yearly so people will realize or notice that being conservative is important and excessive spending is bad.

    1) significance of buy nothing day

    2) How raises awareness of excessive consumerism

    3) Makes a person more conservative of their things they buy

    Stephen Taing

    1. Wonderful start. I really liked your Horace outline. A quick tip, try writing a topic sentence for your "supporting idea" as opposed to an overview of what you will write. It might be easier to then go back and write the essay.

      For the Buy Nothing Day, you should take a stance on whether or not you think it is a good idea. The AP graders will not be looking for a summary.

  6. Horace
    Thesis statement:
    Horace's assetion about the role that adversity can effect in the developing of a person's character because some people with less opportunities have to work harder to reach their goals.

    1)If don't have money you will have difficulties in trying to go to college.

    2)Is hard to reach your goals.

    3)In my personal life I have experince unfairness because of lack of opportunities.

    Buy Nothing Day

    Thesis statement:
    Considering the implications of a day on which no goods are purchase like the one in Canada will not work to prevent the consequences of overconsumption.

    1)They are doing a good job to bring awareness but there has to be greater steps to prevent the consequences of overconsumption.

    2)the word was not creative in one day things have to be change to make a change.

    3)However it is a good idea to bring awareness but in different forms.

    -Diana Cruz

    1. Great start, Diana! Your supporting ideas are very strong. One thing to work on, your thesis statement should be taking a stand on the issue. Do you think Horace's quotation is accurate? Do you agree with it? Do you think a Buy Nothing Day is a good or bad idea? You want to be as clear as possible. Great start, though.

  7. 1.
    Thesis statement: Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, but not everybody can get through the difficulty.

    a) People may can't deal the problem and turn out to ruin their life.
    b) Example of people who is successful and is not.
    c) Not everybody have someone to support them.

    Thesis statement: The Buy Nothing Day may be as a way to increase awareness of excessive consumerism, but i believe it won't do any good.

    a) People who really want to buy something very important, can't
    b) Still at some day can buy the thing they want.
    c) Making the comparison about excessive consumerism between Canada and other country.

    Malvin H. Wijaya

    1. A very strong start!! I love your thesis statements, and you definitely have a good grasp on the kind of supporting ideas I am looking for. A quick thing, be very cautious about your grammar. If you want to go over this further, just let me know.

  8. Horace

    This quote isn't for everyone because not everyone is born with the same opportunity. Some people have it the easy way but some people have it the harder way

    1- If your a poor family & you want to succeed, you have to do a lot and it's gonna be difficult.

    2- You'll dream big if you don't have a lot of support.

    3- Some people don't have any type of chance to bring themselves up.

    Buy Nothing Day

    THESIS STATEMENT: Buy nothing day is an organization located canada when people stop purchasing items for a day. Doing this will show the awareness of over consumption.

    1- this was a very good and interesting idea.

    2- Bringing awareness can open other people's minds to see what's the real deal.

    3 - Probably people will think before they'll consider on buying something.


    1. Great start. I really liked your thesis statement for the Horace quote. Your thesis statement for the Buy Nothing Day seems like it is actually your first supporting idea. The thesis statement should just say whether or not you agree or disagree with the concept of a Buy Nothing Day.

  9. Horace:

    T: Adversity is relative based on one's upbringing. Being rich and living easy for the rest of your life solely because you were born into a prosperous family does not equate to somebody bringing themselves to success from nothing.

    1) Difficulties in life are taken differently based on who you are, how you were raised, and your surrounding environment. Ie. coping by using religion, coping by using some sort of intoxicant, coping by working towards a goal.

    2) Not being able to cope with a certain situation does not mean one cannot prosper throughout different means. One does not also have to go through some hardship in order to become successful.

    3) Various examples of ones who have cruised through life simply because they had the opportunities others did not. Include other examples of those who have had an unfairly bad life (can include sudanese lost boys, those born simply to die, although a hardship was overcome, some may have amounted to nothing)

    Buy Nothing:

    T: Although the idea of not purchasing anything for an entire day to bring awareness to consumerism and over consumption is good in theory, perhaps a different approach would be more logical.

    1) Buying things does not mean everyone over consumes, one could compare shopping for food as modern day farming, there are just different variables in the mix.

    2) These days people literally need to buy to survive. Medicine, food, clothing, homes. Unless one has their own personal environment up and running, consumerism is a necessity

    3) The message is golden, but the demonstration is not. Think of other ways to make the masses aware of themselves and their actions.

    1. Wonderful wonderful work. No edits. I WANT TO SEE MORE OF THIS!

  10. Horace

    Difficulties and challenges are something we face in everyday life, sometimes we don't realize it and sometimes we do. When these difficulties occur and we go through it and succeed, we learn from it as well.

    1. A new challenge may bring a skill to you that you may be very knowledgeable in.
    2. Challenges often structure our personality.
    3. Difficulties in can change our view in different matters opening new paths.

    Buy Nothing Day

    A day where you buy nothing to stop wasted costumer goods, in which we don't need it.

    1. Nobody would likely try this
    2. Everybody has to urge to buy something they dont really need.
    3. Its in our blood to spend, we can't really help pampering ourselves with goods.
    Henry Ariyakham

    1. Great start, Henry! I loved the Horace outline. Your supporting ideas are very strong. You can clean up your thesis statement for the Buy Nothing Day. It seems as though you disagree with it, but make it clearer. Also, with your last supporting idea, while I think you are on to something in theory, you want to avoid saying things like "it's just who we are..." "everyone knows that..." because you can always find exceptions, and then your argument is moot. Wonderful start, though.

  11. Horace
    Life some time is are depending on what type of a family you came from, a poor or rich.
    1) adventages of being rich to poor
    2) someone rich who worked hard their whole life
    3)someone who is rich but came from a rich family.

    2 buy no goods day
    Buying no goods day is something that my not work tho the electronics people buy everyday and use
    1 why people need electrons
    2 bad cause of not buying goods that
    3 people making decisions.
    Johnny chhay.
    Hope you take it even if im 5 minutes late I was doing it.

    1. Of course I will. I just care that you do it. Even if it is 5 minutes late.

      Great start. I think your ideas are very good, but you need to work on the delivery. You want to clean up your thesis statements. Make them as clear and concise as possible. For the Horace quote, do you agree with it or disagree with it? Then, write a sentence that says that as clearly and eloquently as possible. A quick tip, try writing a topic sentence for your "supporting idea" as opposed to an overview of what you will write. It might be easier to then go back and write the essay. Strong start, though.

  12. Horace

    Thesis Statement: Horace's quote on adversity has an effect on everybody because life is hard for individual and maybe they can not get through the hardship in their life.

    1)Everyone have their own difficulties problems to solve everyday and they will have to use their own methods to solve it

    2)The experience of hardships I gone through in many different ways

    3)How the experience change me to who I am now and hat I do to solve the problem

    Buy Nothing Day

    Thesis Statement: Buy Nothing Day was a way to increase awareness consumer and people will realize or notice that being conservative is important and excessive spending is bad.

    1) Explain that people should be happy of what they already had and not please for more or being more greedy than

    2)Talk about its expansive to buy things that you will not use for so long

    3)The significance of buy nothing day and people being consumer

    Doris Luu

    1. I really loved your first outline, Doris! Very very strong ideas. Be cautious of your grammar though! I think your thesis statement for the Buy Nothing Day prompt is great. A quick tip, try writing a topic sentence for your "supporting idea" as opposed to an overview of what you will write. It might be easier to then go back and write the essay. Great start!

  13. #1 Everyone has to deal with adversity in their life.
    Adversity comes in many forms: financial, health, political hardship, danger and misfortune.
    How one deals with adversity is important and life changing.

    #2 Buy nothing day.
    We can live with what we already have,
    Saving money instead of spending.
    Exercising self control.
    Ranya Haney Kenyon

  14. Horace
    Thesis statement- Horace quote about adversity can have an affect on everyone because people all over have been through hardship and difficult time.
    1)Everyone goes through hard times no matter what and have to handle them on their own.
    2)Some people might find the littlest things difficult but it may be hard for them.
    3) I been through a lot of hard times in my life and it was difficult to get out.

    Buy nothing day

    thesis statement- Spending a day not shopping can be extremely hard. Some people really find it hard because its something they do for a living. most people like to last minute shop for everything and if stores are close for a whole day it can become a problem.
    1) What if people for get something important and can go buy it because all stores are closed.
    2)homeless people can buy things on an everyday bases so what they get money that day and cant get nothing to eat because the stores are close.
    3)People should be able to spend when ever they want if they make their own money.

  15. Thesis Statement; Adversity is an opportunity to develop new skills and new relationships.
    -Financial, family, health job,etc
    -Patience, perseverance, sacrifice, hard work,friends, family

    Thesis Statement: Buy Nothing day can show that society is into material thinks that are not always necessary.
    -Awareness of thins that are bought and not needed.
    -Look in your closets see what you have bought and you don't use or need.
    -Ask yourself do i absolutely need it, can i get buy without it?

  16. Thesis Statement; Adversity is an opportunity to develop new skills and new relationships.
    -Financial, family, health job,etc
    -Patience, perseverance, sacrifice, hard work,friends, family

    Thesis Statement: Buy Nothing day can show that society is into material thinks that are not always necessary.
    -Awareness of thins that are bought and not needed.
    -Look in your closets see what you have bought and you don't use or need.
    -Ask yourself do i absolutely need it, can i get buy without it?
    Sorry i forgot to put my name on previous post.
    Ranya Haney Kenyon

  17. Thesis: Adversity may being out one's talent but to an extend

    1. Misfortune can bring out one's motivation to do better.

    2. To those who are prosper, more could be expected.

    Thesis: Buy nothing Day, a day in Canada where people refuse to purchase anything.

    1. It let people understand and become aware that they are fortunate of what they already had. As those who constantly buys things even when it's not necessary in their life.

    2. In America it'll be a great challenge, because of the constant selling and purchasing goods, it'll greatly effect the businesses big and small
