Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Dorner Identity

Watch the following video.

Then read this article for additional information.


Should police officers, soldiers, Navy Seals, etc. be trained to such a level of expertise even though they may use those skills against the society they were trained to protect?

Your response should be three paragraphs and include the following:

  • Thesis Statement
  • Supporting Argument 1
  • Supporting Argument 2
Post your response by 4:30pm on Friday. If you are making up a blog post from the past, please write me a note in THIS post.


  1. this subject about Christopher Dorner is all about how people were trained. I do not believe that police officers, navy seal, and soldiers should be trained with such great expertise. I think that because when they might want revenge you cant stop them.

    I understand how at the time it may be a good idea to train people with great effort because their protecting America but when it comes down to it you wont always need them and when you turn on them you cant take your skills back. You cant train somebody to kill and then fire them and expect their skills to go to waste. They're going to want to use them and might even want revenge. You train people to hide and to kill so you wont be able to stop them.

    This situation reminds me of a show called NIkita. She was a trained like CIA or something of a business who controls the police and the government and she snuck away and are trying to take them down because they killed the man she loved but they trained her too well and they cant find her, she messes up all their assignments and killed alot of their men because she wants revenge. That is pretty similar to this situation and people at the top dont realize you can create an animal that you cant control so you shouldnt train people too good because when it comes to crunch time they may outsmart you.


  2. I believe that police officers, navy seal, and soldiers should be well trained because they need to be able to survive in battle and they need the training to help fight for us and keep us safe.

    To me just because one person uses there well trainning for evil instead of good i dont believe you shoulnt train them less. Because what if you do train them less and we get into a very bad battle then because we have less trainning we arent going to stand a chance in battle. The point of the well trainning is so we can have people to fight for us and keep us safe and maybe only 1 out of 10 people would back fire there well trainning on us.


  3. I believe police officers, soldiers, Navy Seals, etc. should be trained to such a level of expertise even though they may use those skills against the society they were trained to protect.

    Police officers, soldiers, Navy Seals, etc. are trained for society. They need to be trained in order to do their job properly. No one want to hire a police officer that do his job poorly.

    Just because he uses his skills from his training to kill the LAPD members and their family only for revenge, does not mean all soldiers will do the same. There must be another reason besides the LAPD fired him, that made him do such thing.


  4. Should the protectors of citizens, plus warfare groups be trained in a high level of expertise? It's possible that they will do dreadful things to the society. But would rather be treated wrong or die?

    I think officers, etc should not learn a greater expertise level of training. They are already capable of their jobs but this is a one time thing that happen. They didn't expect something like this was going to happen. But I know this is dangerous and something very brutal but it's not necessary to be so violent to the citizens even if something they did wrong. If they learn a higher skill, they can abuse the person more and cause more of a damage then protecting like they are a post to do.

    Now they know something like this happen. They can be more caution about it happening again & figure out something better then learn a higher skill. Who knows, they can get carried away having the higher skill. But protecting citizen comes first but like i said, This may be a one time thing or once in a blue moon thing. It isn't common, so it's not called for a higher expertise skill.

    Terry Nay

  5. I believe police Officers, soldiers and navy seals should be trained expertly. The people who protect us should be well built and should be able to use those skills to protect us.
    Christopher Dorner is an example of a person that used these skills in a bad way. There is always a chance that those skills could be used against them. There are rare cases of police officers, soldiers, navy seals that would use these skills in a bad way to harm people.
    Police officers, soldiers, and navy seals are trained to protect people from danger. They need to be prepared to handle any situation just as Dorner knows the situation at hand. It is a good skill to think and devise plans to catch a person that is bad. If there is a bad person on the loose we can always fight it with another person just as trained and with the help of other people it will be done.
    Stephen Taing

  6. I believe that police officers , soldiers and the navy seals should be trained by experts to do their role to protect society.

    We shouldn't let one person effect everyone else in doing their job because its not fair its that person duty to make sure u.s and the citizens are safe. It wouldn't make sense to stop training them just because one person who crazy instead of doing that we should do a test to prove if they are mentally prepared to handle such a job.

    Christoper Dorner is not a good man he might think he was doing the right thing but in reality he's a cold blood killer that was in rage for whatever excuse he wants to make for himself. Without the navy seals, our police officers and soldiers the u.s would be a very dangerous place to live in our country is not perfect , but we need these people to protect us its just we need to make sure we have the right kind of people to do so.

    Nysha Johnosn

  7. I believe that navy seals, soldiers, police officers, and etc. should be trained to such a level expertise even though they may use their skills against the society that we were trained to protect. I say that because they need to be trained in every way possible when they are going into this type of field. They need to be trained by the best to be the best.

    We shouldn't judge every navy seal, police officers, soldiers, etc. because the U.S.A. has the number one military in the world and we are extremely safe in this country. Everyone wants to moved to the U.S.A. because of how safe we are in this country.

    We should be proud of our military and the training they receive in this country because we are considered to be number one in the world. Even though Chris Dorner went off to the left, everyone in the military does not do that and are not evil. Therefore, everyone in the military-navy seals, police, etc. should be trained with all the tactical skills that are required to be the best in their respected fields in the world.

    Serina Banks

  8. In a society that you're trained to protect, where the people are mostly helpless themselves, then yes i believe there are necessary actions to train people to a certain level of skill deadly enough to cause major harm against society. Even though we believe that this may be a bad thing, then what if something bad happens and yet we don't have this bad thing to help us in the future. Regardless of what people say i believe that people of that calibur can be reliable and not all bad, since they like have an oath or something I think.
    Okay, and besides, if a national epidemic were to occur, who would we rely on for help if they did not have the necessary skills to protect our society from danger? Say if the store was getting robbed and we needed someone to hlep us, if cops didn't know how to be trained during these types of situations, I'm sure at least the robbers would have gotten shot with a few civilian casualties on the side. And say if there was a national crisis, if the military, marines, navy seals weren't trained for any of that, they would lose their lives, probably lose the war or whatever the national crisis was.
    In other words, we need people with trained skills even if they can turn their backs on society and kill more people than regular criminals could. Otherwise who would have to protect us from danger? We need them because we just do unless you give everybody skills to protect themselves but then everything would be solved through fighting, which is as worse as having one highly trained individual on a killing spree with a vendetta against society.
    Henry Ariyakham

  9. I believe that police officers, navy seal, and soldiers should be well trained because he or she may use it in situation where it may help save lives. Even if they can use it has in advantages just like Dorner did I still think they should be well trained.

    I believe this because he or she may need it later in life to protect himself or herself to stay alive. Also they would need the training to response to dangerous situation as fast as possible. And it would be good to have at place that are dangerous.

    If police officers, navy seal, and soldiers wasn't well trained it would be hard from them to go to dangerous place since they would't have great training to survive there. Also they wouldn't be able to protect anyone during work or off of work. If they wasn't well trained people would have somewhat of advantages on them since they do not know how to response to the situation.

    Johnny Chhay
    p.s I did the other blog.

  10. Yes I think police officers, soldiers, Navy Seals, etc should be trained to such a level of expertise even though they might even use those skills against the society that they were trained to protect. There were people being harm because their enemy is stronger than their self. As I say the soldiers, police officers etc need to be train was because to protect them selfs and people from harming even more innocence people.

    If there are a war burst out and we don't have people that are trained well enough to go on the battle and well just die because we don't have the people who are train to be on the battle field. We common people don't know anything about how to fight in a war or how to survive in a war without getting our self getting killed.

    As I say if there are enemy who oppose us we can defend them by getting stronger and be trained to such a level of expert to protect the people in our place. If there are no people who are trained then what is the point of having police officers, Navy Seals, soldiers,etc to protect us since they are so useless for not to be trained as they should be in their level to protect us.
    Doris Luu

  11. In my opinion police officers,soldiers,Navy Seals, etc. have to be trained.
    We need people well trained in this country to protect us, but that does
    not mean they should have that control to the level were they can use their
    skills against the society.
    We should have a system were people have to be
    test, and that could be able to determine if a person is going to really
    be protecting the people.That way no one will become a criminal and be
    well trained.
    Finally, we cannot just stop training people, and let criminals just do what
    they want because no one not even the Navy could stop them because
    criminals will be stronger than the any authority.
    -Diana Cruz
    (I did the blog of gun violence Blog and Sudan questions Blog)

  12. Ms Brooks I Finally Did Gun Violence In Video Games And Sudan Profile For Half Credit. Hope You Check It Soon. Thank You.

    - Serina Banks

  13. I believe that they all should Be trained . All of LA officers are in danger and i believe they should know how to defend themselves. IF they are going against this guy they are going to need to be skilled and trained. Jessica watts

  14. I think police officers, soldiers, etc. should be trained to a high level, even though they can use those skills against those they are there to protect. If there is an act of terrorism,a natural disaster or a war we need trained people to to react. Maybe the government can do a better job of screening candidates to see signs of instability. This may help prevent another Dorner-like situation.

    We need a trained force to respond to terrorism, a natural disaster or a war. These forces must be trained and ready to repond at any time.

    There should be tests in place to check a candidates background and mental health. No matter what checks are in place there is always the possibility that someone will get through that shoulod not.
    Ranya Haney Kenyon

  15. Yes, they should be trained. Just because someone miss used their skills doesn't mean everyone has to suffer the consequences.
    How would they be able to protect us if their level of skills in reduced?
    I think that there should be some sort of test to see if a person is capable of sustaining those skills. A trust test. Something that'll prove that that person is righteous.

  16. Police officers, soldiers, Navy Seal should be trained to protect the citizens even up to the level they are at or higher, because many citizens rely on these officials to protect them from harm. And because of Dorner's actions shouldn't effect the rest of the officials who's following rules.

    We need to recognize those brave soldiers who died to protect this country from harm. But we also need to realize that not all are good, and not all are bad, and when a situation like this one occurs again, we have to prepare for the worst way beforehand.

    We do need a system to identify mental illness or treason if possible, but anyone could pass a lie-detector if well trained. The system of becoming an official should be even more strict than it is, and testing for loyalty, to prevent anymore risks in the future.

    Michelle Zheng
