Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Being White in Philly" by Robert Huber

Read the following article.

Answer the following questions.

1. In which neighborhood did Mr. Huber begin spending time in order to further his research?
2. What street does Claire not venture above with her dogs?
3. To what school does Jen send her children?
4. What percentage of kids in Philadelphia public schools do NOT graduate from high school?
5. What does Mr. Huber believe white people need to do in order for racial dynamics to change?

Please post by Sunday at 8pm. BE READY TO DISCUSS!


  1. 1. fairmount
    2.Girard Ave.
    3. Bache Martin School
    4. 50%
    5 White people have to be more open.
    Ranya Haney Kenyon

  2. 1. Mr. Huber begin spending time in the Fairmount neighborhood, north of the Art Museum, in order to further his research.

    2. Claire does not venture above Girard the terri-poos(her dog).

    3. Jen sent her children Bache-Martin School.

    4. 50 percent of the kids in Philadelphia public schools don’t graduate from high school.

    5. Mr. Huber believes that white people have to risk being much more open.


  3. 1) Mr. Huber started spending more time in Fairmount (that's in north philly) to go further into his research.

    2)Claire doesn't feel comfortable around Girard ave.

    3)Jen kids attends at Bache Martin School.

    4) 50% of the kids in Philadelphia Public schools don't graduate high school ( that's pretty messed up)

    5)Mr. Huber believes white people need to be more open minded and less judgmental of black people ( or anybody else of that matter)

    Nysha Johnson

  4. 1)Mr. Huber started spending more time in Fairmount, North philadelphia for further research.

    2)Claire Doesnt venture her dogs around Girard Avenue.

    3)Jen kids attend Bache Martin School.

    4)50% of phildadelphia high school students do not graduate.

    5)Mr. Huber believes that white people should more opened minded, more understanding than judgemental.

    Serina Banks

  5. 1)Fairmount is where Mr.Huber spent his time researching.

    2)Girard Avenue is where Claire does not venture above with her dogs.

    3)Jen's children attends Bache Martin School.

    4)50% of students in Philadelphia Public Schools do not graduate from high school.

    5) Mr. Huber believes that white people should be open and risk it in order for racial dynamics to change

    Stephen Taing

  6. 1. Fairmount, north of the art museum.
    2. She does not venture above Girard with her dogs.
    3. Bache Martin School.
    4. 50% of students in Public Schools around Philadelphia do not graduate.
    5. Believes white people should be more open.
    Henry Ariyakham

  7. 1. Fairmount was where most of his time was taken at.
    2. Girard Ave. Was where she didn't venture with the dogs.
    3. Bache Martin school was where jen Kids was attending.
    4. 50% of students in Philadelphia Public school don't graduate.
    5. I think White people should speak out or be loud for themselves. You can't hide and not expect things the way you want if your gonna be quiet.

    Terry Nay

  8. 1- The place where Mr. Hurbert spent time to get research was in Fairmont.
    2- She didn't go past Girard Ave. while walking her dogs
    3- The school that Jen's kids attended was Bache Martin.
    4- 50% of students in the SDP don't graduate.
    5- He believes that whites should be more open. As well as be loud about who they are.

  9. 1.The neighborhood Mr. Huber begin spending time in order to further his research was fairmont.

    2.The street that does Claire not venture above with her dogs is Girard ave.

    3. The school that Jen send her children to is Bache Martin.

    4. The percentage of kids in Philadelphia public schools that do NOT graduate from high school is 50%

    5.Mr. Huber believe white people need to be more open and loud about who they are in order for racial dynamics to change.


  10. 1) Mr. Hurbert spent most of his time in Fairmount

    2) Claire didn't go to Girard Ave

    3) Jen sent her kids to Bache martin middle school

    4) 50% of student in Philadelphia school don't graduate

    5) He believe that white people need to get out more

    Jessica Watts late

  11. 1. Hubert didn't expand his research father than fairmount
    2. Claire didn't walk her dogs through Girard Ave.
    3. Jen's children attend to Bache Martin School
    4. 50 percent of the student population in Philly don't graduate.
    5 White people need to expand their horizons a little more.


  12. My response to the article is a little skeptical. The article is mostly being viewed from a "white person" thoughts about Philly and is taking place on the bad side of Philly. In the beginning of the article most of the bad things is from blacks. The person is not looking at that whites, Asians, Hispanic, and ect... commits crime too. The person is making blacks look bad throughout the article. The author of the article is basing Philly off of one races. I think the author is being racist because he is saying mostly bad things about the blacks and is only talking about blacks.

    The discussion we had in class was a little true and false, I think. I say this because he is saying what he thinks of Philly and is getting other points of views from other people, but than again he only interviewed white people that lived in the area where he was getting information about. Also he stayed in one area of Philly. Liked we talked about in class, if he was to go outside of North Philly and ask different races about Philly and the part they and how is it like to live there. I believe he would have got more positive results than he got at that one area he interviewed. Also when we was talking about race, it doesn't matter what race we are, we are all human living on this one planet to do good. There should be no excuse to why you do certain things because of what race you are.

    This is what i think about of the article and the class discussion. Hope you like what I said and had to say.

  13. 1. In Fairmount to expand his research.
    2. Claire didn't go further than Girard Avenue, which she didn't feel comfortable either.
    3. To Bache Martin School.
    4. 50% doesn't graduate in Philadelphia public school. (which is really awful because most actually have the potential to)
    5. Mr. Huber believes white people need to be more open minded and less judgmental of black people. To reduce the racism between both black and white.

    The author spends a lot of time speaking how the whites react to black people in the neighborhood, white this, white that. Not bothering to put the black people's thoughts into his article.
    I don't like the structure of this article because it's mostly what white people thinks and what white people feels. He didn't even bother to interview the blacks and or ask of their opinion. Even though researches claim that blacks are more likely to commit
    crimes as of white people but has he not seen there are whites out there committing the same crimes that blacks do or even worst? He haven't mention those blacks that are motivated in school, or who is willing to succeed and be successful. It's all about how bad and dangerous the neighborhood it.

    If the author invest in interviewing blacks or expand to other areas instead of just the bad part of Philly, his results may differ. Such as pitching in ideas and thoughts of blacks. Even other races. There are places that's dominantly blacks, but there's some blacks in white neighborhoods. Can't just come up with an article with one side of the story and not present the other. It'll make readers think that all he cares is to pinpoint how bad the blacks are and make whites seem better. It doesn't seen fair. And may be offending

    Michelle Zheng
