Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gun Violence in Video Games

Please watch the following video:

Do video games have an impact on gun violence? If so, explain why. If not, explain why and provide alternate causes of gun violence.

Three paragraphs:

  • Thesis Statement
  • Supporting Argument 1
  • Supporting Argument 2

Here are some additional resources to help inform your argument.


  1. when i think about video games having an impact on gun violence i dont
    know what side to choose. I can see where both sides of the arguement
    come in at. there is alot of violence that happens by youth but just
    because you play a game dosent means it causes you to act violent and
    go out and hurt people.

    In a sense i can see that with certain video games they have an ideal
    life for kids. They have the men who are cool but they kill people.
    Some might say that that influences a child to go out and act violent
    by minipulting a video game but thats definately not true for all
    cases. Most the time gun violence is influenced by the people around
    you. Real life people not fake people in a game. I know plenty of
    people who play video games but are not in to gun violence and i also
    know people who are involved in gun violence but pay no attention to
    games. so for most people the two do not coexist with eachother.

    Also all video games arent even about killing other people. Some video
    games are aboit killing zombies. one of the articles even touch bases
    on this subject. "the victims in Mortal Kombat are often inhuman
    beings from a magical world known as “The Netherrealm” and the story
    mode casts players in the role of Earth warriors defending humans."
    This is true for most cases. Playing a video game that kills mosters
    and inhumane persons will not cause you to act violent with guns
    toward other people. So i think that gun violence and video games have
    no relationship. Plus there is no proven evidence that video games
    with violence has an impact on gun violence.

    Sierra Hall

  2. When the issue of gun violence from games arises I believe that video games have no affect on the violence on the "outside world". For many reasons I believe that games are games & people have the choice to play them or not.
    Games are just games. People have a mind to think. If they play games that involve shooting, does that make them feel as thought they are in the game?? Personally I play shooting games and I have no involvement in the the crime world.
    People play games for fun. I dont understand why the people are connecting games with violence. The point of this all in my opinion is to just say that everything leads to violence. Which is not true, what so ever. Some of the most popular games are shooting games and just most about everybody has played them at least once.....If this is true why arent the people who play these games behind bars????

  3. Gaming is just for ones enjoyment and satisfaction of one person. Gun violence comes from one’s environment and society. The influence around you is what makes a person commit gun violence. Although games nowadays contain some violence and first person shooting, it does not change a person’s motives to go and shoot another person for no reason. I believe games do not impact or reflect gun violence because gun violence is influenced from the society not from gaming.

    Owning a gun is a cause of gun violence. If there was a ban on guns then there would be no gun violence. Playing a game that contains violence is only virtual and is not in real life. We should spend more time finding a solution to the problem rather than suggest other factors that cause the problem. Taking away what causes the problem such as guns, will reduce the amount of gun violence in this country.

    Gun violence happens from drugs, mental illnesses, and arguments. Solving these problems will reduce problems within the country. You cannot blame gun violence on gamers. There are so much people that play games that contain gun violence such as Call of Duty, but how come they all do not commit gun violence? Games are just there to entertain and relieve stress from people, not cause violence around the community. I believe that games do not reflect gun violence and it is not the cause of it.

    Stephen Taing

  4. You know what I think, I believe that gaming and gun violence does not have its connections depending on age groups. Seriously, I believe only little kids would believe that if you were to get shot by a sniper rifle in Call Of Duty that your body wouldn't even have any bullet penetrations and you come back in like 10 seconds or so. A teenager would probably enjoy the game too depending on his or her taste in games, or views. Besides, have you looked at gun violence? Or maybe music videos, haha though I don't think they should be taken seriously, some videos have guns in them. I don't think gun games would have a general effect on gun violence. Most of the people that could be killing people with guns would rather think its cool to drop bodies and live the high life that's represented by music videos where they show guns and drugs ring used because its what they want to do, not that they played Call Of Duty or some other famous gun shooting game.
    Henry Ariyakham

  5. Jessica watts
    i do not think video games influence gun violence. People play game all time I think people only use guns just to prove a point. Some people are just really crazy and they don't know what to do with their self. Video games was made for people to have fun with their family and friends now people are making it seem like its bad

  6. Video games do not have an impact on gun violence. It is because the purpose of video games is for fun. Many people who do not like playing games like to do violence, but instead many people who like playing violence games oppose the violence in real world. All of that because the people's surrounding that make them become violence in real world.

    The gun company is the one who make kids become more violence and have a knowledge how to use guns. They sell guns to children "and developing a target-shooting video game that promotes brand-name weapons, with links to the Web sites of their makers." with a single purpose so that the children become interesting in having a gun.

    The video games do not teach us to do violence thing to a human, but instead to a monster or something like that. "the victims in Mortal Kombat are often inhuman beings from a magical world known as 'The Netherrealm'." There are no evidence that video games make people do violence. Like in the video, it says "these studies have been rejected by every court to consider them, They do not proof that violent video games cause minors to do violence."

    It is also the parents job to look after their children about what video games the children should play or not.

    Malvin H. Wijaya

  7. I think video games don't have impact on gun violence because it depends on who is using it. I think the alternate of gun violence is the kids or people who got abused so much and they want revenge for them-self. Some people want gun violence for their self protect needs and video games is just a game. On the game people will be dead. Also the people in the game they can get up even after getting shot couple of times but its not as real as using gun violence. Gun violence is so much dangerous than any of the games. I don't think gun games would have any general effects on gun violence. These both thing is two different things that can't be pull together as one same topic.

    Doris Luu

  8. There isn't very much a difference between virtual violence and real life violence. But it doesn't mean that violent video games affect young adults. It really depends on the person playing it.

    There is plenty of people out there that maybe just mentally disturbed, the ones that can be easily influenced by this. But no matter what it's not the game that's at fault. It would be impossible, if whoever is the guardian of this particular person, wouldn't know about the mental issues, for them to allow a child with health problems have a video game that's as violent as the one that people are arguing about. Like I said there is a lot of people with mental problems like this but it doesn't out number the people that can play these games and have no affect on them at all.

    As an example, me. I play gun related games but it has no affect on me. I end the game like it was nothing. My whole family plays violent games but it's not like we go out and start shooting people. So it really depends on who plays it.

    -alyssa boquila

  9. I believe that gun games does not have impact on gun violences. I say this because people play games to kill some time before doing something or play games for free time. Also they don't play games to encourage themselves to go out and buy a gun and shoot someone for no reason. Things that make someone go out and buy a gun and shoot someone is if they are having problems with someone and they can't fix it, they think the only thing they can do to fix it, is to go out and buy a gun and go shoot the person they are having the problem with.

  10. I believe thats Video games DO INFLUENCE the gun violence out there. Why because at the young age, kids would play violent games. Causing them to think it's really fun and bring it out into the real world. Saying this by they want toy guns and they think its fun Pretending to shoot at each other, but this can cause a impact in the long run. Why? Because the games can teach them how to handle a gun or a situation if they had one. They will have an instinct to their minds when something happens, and all the anger might be released while they would think of killing somebody. Because as they grow up, they just want to play violently. Say if you go around somewhere, you'll see a kid playing or wanting a type of weapon to play with. That shows he is influence with a mind to "Kill" because learning from games shows killing something. So he can seek interest in killing something causing them to do real violent things. a Kid can become a bully. a Bully can become a murder. Murder kills many innocent people. I really do believe gun games or violent games do influence people minds.


  11. Personally, I do not think video games have an impact on gun violence only in some cases.
    First of all there are some video games out there that are educational like uses games to entice the user to learn about information pertaining to the Nobel prize achievements while engaging in a fun to play video game.There are many different types, and styles of educational games all the way from counting to spelling to games for kids and games for adults. Some other games do not have any particular targeted audience in mind and intended to simply educate or inform whoever views or plays the game.
    However in some cases there are video games that have to do with violence, and criminals use them to find new ways to commit crimes.
    Many people become criminals because of the way they have been influence by their parents for example.
    -Diana Cruz

  12. In my opinion gun violence does have an impact on gun violence but in other hand no it does not have an impact on gun violence. I say it does have an impact on gun violence because video games today shows young kids that its okay to shoot people, that blood is cool, that killing people is cool. Video games are programmed to be fun and entertainment to young children and even young adults. But some may take it and make it reality.

    My other opinion that video games does not have an impact on gun violence. Its not the game causing violence to others, its the person who is causing the violence to to others. Each person has their own mind and the way they handle things. Its their choice if they want to make a video game reality and harm others in the way the game shows. But its the ones who are mentally ill or may had some issue that had to do with violence in the past, to make them cause pain to others.

    So in both my opinions that i do believe it has some type of impact and it don't have some type of impact, either way its the individual not the game harming others. But what they take in and see and learn from the video game or even their own violent past. People are going to do what they think is right but in this situation harming others isn't right. Therefore, gun violence does some what impact the gun violence and it some what don't by the individual person.

    Serina Banks

  13. I do not think that video games have an effect on gun violence. People play games for fun, to relax and for enjoyment. The Supreme Court found that there was no evidence linking gun violence to video games. I think that the easy availability of guns plays a big part in gun violence.

    I think that people play games for fun and enjoyment. They know the games are nit real, they no more likely yo commit gun violence than someone who doesn't play video games.

    I think gun violence is a reflection of the easy availability of guns in our society. If people didn't have access to guns there wouldn't be gun violence.

    Ranya Haney Kenyon

  14. Violent video games do affect children, depending on what their guardians dictate about them. But it also affects adults as well.

    We can see how one book pushed Mark David Chapman to the edge of assassinating John Lennon, so imagine how a violent video game can push someone to the brink of committing a crime like in Sandy Hooks'.

    Also, video games can trigger someone to the point of committing a crime because of its first person view. It also depends on how much time someone spends on playing a game.

  15. When it comes to gun violence, it shouldn't associate with Gaming. Gaming to most is an enjoyment, rather than "practice to kill". Video games shouldn't have an impact on those who is just searching for fun. And those who want to bring it to the real world. There's a difference from being behind a screen and being behind a weapon.

    Personally, I enjoy playing violent games such as, Call of Mini-Sniper (iphone game), call of duty, Halo, etc. I admit it's fun and addicting. Though, it doesn't influence me to up with an AK-47 causing a massacre. Playing games doesn't make me want to own a gun or put it to use. And many games aren't to just kill anyone, it's was in the direction of being a hero. To save people. Not to aim at an innocent bystanders. And if a video game is to influence one to turn to a violent murderer, he's mentally ill, game isn't to blame.

    The Gun Company/Industry who's afraid of declining participation in shooting sports are to blame because they are putting weapons in hands of mindless children who doesn't know how dangerous it is. Training to become a killer is more like it.. Because they are so used to holding a gun and shooting at targets, they could possibly became bored. They may start searching for new ways to excite themselves, that could cause violence in the long run. And most kids don't know the value of a human being.

    Michelle Zheng
