Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sudan Profile

Please read this article, then respond in the comments section with three remaining questions you have about Sudan or the Sudanese Civil War. This article will provide historical and societal context for our upcoming novel, What is the What.


  1. ---- Andrea M. Lee ----

    - The south wanted independence, and won. Why did the south want independence in the first place?

    - Why was there a civil war between the North and the South? Why did it start in the first place?

    - If the South had its own freedom and can govern themselves without the North's support, why did the fighting stop in 1972 and then start again in 1983?

  2. Why didnt they like the rule of the Arab Muslims?

    Why werent the better armed so there couldve been more survivores ?

    Why did it take so many years for them to become independent ?

    -Zaire Holmes

  3. Why did Christian and Animist people have for decades been struggling against rule by the Arab Muslim north?

    Why did South Sudan want to be independent?

    Why did the government of Sudan give its blessing for an independent South Sudan in if they know there will be a conflict between them?

    -Malvin H. Wijaya

  4. Sierra Hall

    1) How do they act towards each other now? Why cant they get along?

    2) Why were they first invaded? why didnt they fight for freedom?

    3)Do the two groups have the same culture? the same flags?

  5. 1) Why did they not try to solve their conflict so that they will not have to secede from each other?
    2) Was there people who went against the secession?
    3) How is the conflict now and what is the future going to look like for Sudan?

    - Stephen Taing

  6. - Why did they finally want their independence?

    - With all the problems that Sudan is going through, will it effect the future?

    - Why are the Christian and the Animist people are so against the Arab Muslim ?

    -Angeline Low

  7. 1) What did the government talk about to end the civil war?

    2) Do the South and North communicate with each other?

    3) How did North Sudan feel about South Sudan wanting to be independent?

  8. 1. How long did the war last?

    2. How does Sudan's Civil war effect the economy?

    3. Why wasn't the unresolved problems in the south ignored?

    -Popreak Sou

  9. -How is Sudan's economy messed up by various outstanding secession issues?

    -Why is Chad & Sudan accusing each other of cross-border incursions?

    -Why is Omar Bashir still in control of Sudan?

  10. Why Did The Independence took so long, what was in the way?

    Why is the land of Sudan economy so Corrupted?

    Why were they so against each other?

    By Terry Nay

  11. How come the struggle for independence for the people of the South of Sudan take so long?

    How come the grievances of the northern states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile remain unaddressed? Why didn't they address them?

    In Darfur, in western Sudan, how come the United Nations accused the pro-government Arab militias of a campaign of ethnic cleansing against non-Arab locals?

    Henry Ariyakham

  12. What is the point of splitting even though both county is still fighting?

    Even both of the county is split why is the problem haven't solve yet?

    When is the long war gonna end even though they both are hating each other?

    - By Doris Luu

  13. Why do some countries like Sudan always have some type of conflict that they cannot settle peacefully?

    Would the people of Sudan be better off if Sudan had remained under colonial rule?

    When is the violence going to end and the 2 countries be able to settle their differences peacefully?
    Ranya Haney Kenyon

  14. 1) How different were their cultures meaning the people from the southern, and Northern Sudan?

    2) Does this means that the North and the southern Sudan were two countries with their own congress?

    3) Why do they want(what was best for their country or the people)?

    -Diana cruz

  15. 1) What are the different religions and cultures in both groups?

    2) When will they settle their differences and end the war?

    3) Is their more to the conflict of why they are at war now?

    - Serina Banks

  16. After the civil war ended in their country are families able to reunite ?

    How many people lost their lives in total during the war?

    Since the war is now over how long will it take for their country to be what is was once before?

    nysha johnson

  17. Why didn't the united states army help end the war quicker ?

    How many families were torn apart and kill during the war ?

    Are many lost boys scared to go back to Sudan ?

    Jessica Watts Late

  18. Why did they decided a war for separation when it was already divide (somewhat) in the first place? With different religions in the South and North.

    What's the condition there now, are there any aids of other countries?

    How are they coping with everything, such as lost of families, and home.
