Monday, December 2, 2013

Celebrities as Role Models

Do you feel as though celebrities should be considered role models for youth?
  • Introductory paragraph that provides important context for this question and issues a clear thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraph #1 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
  • Body paragraph #2 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
NOTE- Support your argument by citing the examples of celebrities past and present.

Due Date: Friday, Dec. 6th @ 4:30pm


  1. No, Celebrities SHOULD NOT be role models for youth at all. I mean there are some really good role model out there but some of them are only good because its good publicity and most celebrities are currently drug addicts or they have some kind of problems.

    Miley Cyrus use to be someone who children look up to but now she is changing and not in a good way, she is becoming really provocative and we don't need our children to be looking at these train wreak. If a child see their favorite idol doing something bad they will want to do it too just because their idol is doing it. Look at Lindsey Lohan she once was a good disney channel kid but now she has been battling her drug addiction and a lot of her fan probably were young kids when she was a young kid herself, her fan probably grew up as she didand they might have started doing drugs too. We live in a bandwagon society so of course we will do something that we see our idol doing.

    Most celebrity is good as their money, they don't care about us or anything, everything they do is just to show off and to give themselves a good image for the public to see. not all celebrities do good thing just for people to say good things about them or for good publicity some actually probably do care but most celebrities just don't.

    emily nguyen

  2. I believe that Celebrities SHOULD NOT be role models for youth. I'm not trying to say that celebrities are bad, yet some are good but to me they can't take a role model's place. Parents are like our angels and god, they took care of us in good and bad so they should be above all this and be role models. In our society every celebrities is a drug addict and they were locked up for some reason, you see that can't be consider as a role model because it's an immature thing.

    I will start by saying that I know nobody is perfect but role models have to be because someone in the world is willing to give up anything to become that role model. My point is if someone is willing to give up anything for a role model than it is to be worth I meaning it has to be perfect. We all know that celebrities think they all that and want to always be noticed yet in a good way or bad way. For instance Lil Wayne is a great rapper but he's a drug addict, he made a girl pregnant and he has be thrown in the jail so many times, I mean do you believe that this person can be a role model at youth?. No offense but everyone is bad at some point even me but to be a role model you have to act your act together and act mature and quit bad habits in order for us to think that you're a good person.

    For example Miley Cyrus was such a pretty angel in Hannah Montana in her innocence stage but ever since wrapping "Hannah Montana" in 2011, Miley Cyrus can't be tamed. She changed her look, was caught smoking weed a couple of times, cut her hair off and dyed it bleach blond. And the singer made headlines for a raunchy performance with Robin Thicke at the 2013 Video Music Awards. You can see how she was wearing such immature clothes and tweeking. Another example is Kristen Stewart The "Twilight" star on how she was first all innocent and quite but she made her image shocking and disrespectful by being caught having an affair with her 41-year-old "Snow White and the Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders in July 2012. Not only did she split up Sanders' marriage with Liberty Ross, she cheated on everyone's favorite vampire from Twilight and her boyfriend for three years everyone's sunshine Robert Pattinson. Can this be consider as a "ROLE MODEL"? NOOO!! So many celebrities got pregnant while they're unmarried and had so many affairs just to be famous, be noticed or become rich. Money is something that attracts greedy people, they can do ANYTHING to achieve it. Celebrities may say good things in order to make people like us think they're lovely but come on you know that celebrities don't really care about us or anything except publicity and money.

  3. Many young people look their favorite celebrities as their role models instead of their parents. It happens not only in the United States but also all over the world. Young people try to copy what ever their favorite celebrities do, wear and everything. As a young man, i also look celebrities as my role model and all.

    In my opinion, celebrities should not be considered as a role model. Especially in the United States,many celebrities act,talk,wear like shit. They do crazy stuff all the time. If young people look these celebrities as their role model, they will become exactly like them someday. They will take all the bad reputation.Role models influenced and impact the life of child.

    Just like Charles Bankley said in the Nike commercial. Celebrities do not get paid for role model.They get paid because of their talent. Instead of celebrities, parents should be role models of their children. They know the best and care for their children. So, I don't believe celebrities should be considered role models for youth.

  4. Depending on the different types of acts they elaborate in there entertainment, I feel as if celebrities’ should not be a role model. They will never be the sparks toward your joy; your parents are the spark and motivation toward your long lasting live and future. Not to be rude about all celebrities but they are all about money and power, not about the success of joy toward their community and families. They play an act or show that makes them stand up saying “ Everyone loves me” acting like viewers aren’t the one they need to inspire but just to show them how to act selfish.

    I can point out that every human look at everything under different circumstances, but fails to follow their own life. They follow the so call famous role models because they wish to be like them but cant succeed in live knowing that that’s not the path for you its greater opportunity far more then you can understand. Most people don’t cherish the fact that the real role models are the ones around you all the time pushing you forward to your destination. Not like a comedian that tells jokes about realistic things and also about false facts trying to make ends meat through entertainments. For example Lil-Wayne talks about success of money and how he use it toward drugs money and females, that right there is not an example of a great long-term role model. Parents are the true role models of every child’s life, cause they provide use with facts about experience that leads you to do good things. Parents drive you toward education like studying, reading, writing, math and putting you into good schools. Parents are great role model toward youth, why they have inspire many to live a good live and learned the hard way by experience background. Celebrities on the other hands are not role models for youth, they only care about there own happiness and love to do what they have to do in order to be notice, also care about getting paid.

    The greatest down fall was Hannah Montana a show with the actress and singer Miley Cyrus; she was young and pretty also active and innocent. Every little girl liked that show she was a person with fan clubs of youth children’s, she was adore by her viewers including my sister. She was so smart and wise at what she did in that show beautiful and innocent, fresh and amazing. But since she hanged out with the wrong crowd and started to act immature it took the spark of an innocence of a child out. Know she cares about money and being actively a freak on shows and videos leaving the children’s behind not caring how they feel. The show with Robin Thicke when Miley Cyrus twerk on him shows that celebrates are not role models but back stabbers, if acting so inappropriate in front of television is being a role model then that’s a wrong way. Being a role model has responsibility as a mature adult that sticks out to help, not ones that do selfish things and act cruel toward there own self. Role model are not about money and being famous they are about family, they give back to open the horizons off all children’s rather then make a retarded view of life.

  5. Everybody has that one artist that they admire and love so much. Sometimes they want to act or be like them and it could end up in a bad situation to parents. No celebrity should be a role model to youth because celebrities in one point in their life can be a bad example to youth and youth might end up like them. I feel as though that parents should be role models to their own children nobody else could be better then your parents. Remember not all celebrities are how they appear to be they sooner or later show how they really are.

    When first artists come out they show a side that people want to see and hear from them in order to get fans and viewers. Later on when fame gets to them they start forgetting about how they were when they just started their career and start acting immature. Thats when fans start to think that if he/she can do it then they also can do it and sometimes artists behavior leads youth fans to the wrong path. This is why I don't think artists should be role models to youth because they are not noticing that people admire them and would like to be like them in their worst and good behavior. Parents should always be youths role models because parents want the best for their children future so they take right paths to show their children to also take the right path.

    Even though parents do their best to be role models to their children some youth don't care and prefer to be more like the artist they admire. Some artists start so innocent and then years pass and they start using drugs,getting tattoos, drinking and acting in their worst in front of the camera without them knowing that at home their fans are watching and they will want to do the same thing as them. Artists don't care about who is their fans and who are not they just care about their fame and money if they really care they should be mature and act like the adults they are and also know that there are youth that would like to be just like them. So no celebrity of any kind should be ones role model they don't see you or know you to raise you thats your parents job. Parents always but always should be your role model no matter the situation cause one day you will thank them to you have become and where you stand.

  6. Celebrities CAN NOT be role models for youth. There are some really good role model out there but some of them are only good because of their outside and most celebrities are drug addicts or they have some kind of problems. Such as sexual abuse and alcoholic.

    Miley Cyrus is a good example. She used to be who children look up to but now she is changing and not in a good way, she is becoming really provocative and we don't need our children to be looking at these type of stuff. If a child sees their favorite idol doing something bad they will want to do it too just because their idol is doing it. We live in a bandwagon society so of course we will do something that we see our idol doing.

    Most celebrity just car about their money, they don't care about us or anything, everything they do is just to show off and to give themselves a good image for the public to see. Their fans are just a tool for them to make money of, they don't love you like what they say. Not all celebrities do good thing just for people to say good things about them or for good publicity. There are good celebrities out there who actually cared but most celebrities just don't.

  7. I believe celebrities should not be subjected as role models because of the fact that they make mistakes as I do or anyone else does. Just because they are famous does not mean they are generally good people. To be a role model you have to portray yourself a certain way and try to do good for people other than yourself. Celebrities are not role models they are just people we like and want to become because what we see most of the time is a celebrity either fighting, drinking or flashing what they have. Behaving in those kinds of ways are not role model like.

    Celebrities are paid to entertain the people and are paid to keep us asking for more . It is their job they are not the one's who raise us and teach us right from wrong. They will not be there when we make mistakes and help us to overcome them. Our parents should be our role models because they reflect on the wrong they have done and try to pass there knowledge on to us. We will never learn mistakes by celebrities and downfalls as personal as our parents can explain to us.

    In Conclusion the role models in our lives should be the one's who care for us. There is no need to try and seek a role model from a celebrity you don't even know. You will never accomplish anything by trying to seek something that does not exist. So this is why I believe celebrities are not Role models.

  8. No, I do not think celebrities should be considered role models. Celebrities are human beings (usually adults) and they have the right to do what they want to as long as it is legal. It is not their responsibility to be a role model for children, it is their job to entertain.

    As humans is it natural to be critical of certain behaviors but at end of the day, people will do what they want and that is not a bad thing all of the time. For example, Miley Cyrus. Of course, she has made decisions that have been criticized but people cannot should not criticize her because she is not what they deem as a good role model. I am almost positive that her contract did not state that she is required to be PG-13. She is an adult so it is her choice if she wants to be a role model.

    Celebrities should not be considered role models because they are there to express their artistic talents, not to sing Elmo's World. They are paid to entertain, not to baby sit. Besides, there are people out there who do great things so parents should focus on them or control what their children are watching at home.

  9. No. I don't think that celebrities should be considered as role models. There are some that are because of what they do for charity and their community.But in celebrities in general their job is to entertain the public in media,sports,music and entertainment. I'm not trying to say that all celebrities are not a good influence to younger kids,some just don't have the role model spirit inside them.

    We as humans are not perfect and we make mistakes but role models have to be that type of person that probably would give up everything they had just to make a difference.Take Miley cyrus for example when I was a kid girls at my middle school would talk about Miley Cyrus and how they want to be like her.Now flash forward to what she is now, she is totally not the Hannah Montana singer that everybody loved when she was younger.She changed her entire look to her hair,to what she wears I really wouldn't consider her as a role model at all.

    In conclusion role models should not be considered role models because their all in it for the money , their popularity and the fame.The true role models should be our parents because they do so much so that we can have everything that we have.

  10. I believe a celebrity should be the person to influence you towards your goal. They should not be some one to look up to as a person with high standards/status.

    In my point of view i look up to Louis Armstrong not as a musician but as a person whoop went though hardships as a poor boy to a man with a horn in his hands. So what I'm trying to get our of this is that he set a good example of himself but that's his life not ours.

    In conclusion i would only look up to SOME celebrity as a influencial figure to motivate us the people, not as someone who stupidity can be publicly spread due to there family wealth. Their are allot of role models to look up to its just that people aren't looking hard enough for the right one.

    Kevin Prom

  11. There is no way celebrities should be considered a role model for the youths. I strongly recommend them as entertainers, not role models that we look up to. Let me ask you a question, would you do drugs if Lindsey Lohan does it? Of cores not! Celebrities stays like celebrities, and role models stay like role models.

    If celebrities are considered to be a role model, the whole world will be in an anarchy! Take Miley Cyrus for an example, she used to be in the show “Hanna Montana” from Disney channel. Admired by little kids and loved, she had influenced a lot of children. As life goes on, Miley Cyrus had evolved into a monster who created the “Twerk Dance”. Since the Twerk Dance started to become a thing, many little kids started to learn how to Twerk. So now our next generation will become very dirty and more lechery behavior will occur.

    The Media always show the negative sides from the celebrities, which brought many tensions and excitement from the viewers. The television shows wanted views more than anything, therefore, prefer more shocking and eccentric news from the celebrities. Taking Justine Bieber for example, he punched a reporter in the face because he is very annoying. Almost breaking the reporter’s nose, he apologized and paid the medical fees. Although in banal news, Bruce Lee for I instance, donated couple thousand dollars to the charity recently, because he said “doing small things make a big difference”. From two of these incidence, Justin Bieber’s story stands out the most. Telling us, media pick negative stories the most to gain viewers. In return, little kids get influenced and generations will fall.

  12. I do not believe celebrities are to be viewed as role models .They are great entertainment to youth and grown ups all they do is entertain us either by TV or the internet. Even the basketball player Charles Barkley has told us youth not to look up to him as a role model. We should look up to our parents and why is that?, because they are the ones who educate us.

    Celebrities entertain us by either playing instruments in a band or playing instruments and singing, dancing , acting on TV shows ,and movies .That is to say , that is what they are paid and what they enjoy to do .So they have many fans who like their music on what they do. Like , Charles Barkley said he can't educate youth by just shooting hoops. Don't look at him like a role model look at your parents as your role models.

    In addition, what are youth going to learn ,to sit on the TV to just watch and listen to their favorite songs being played .What is that going to do for teenagers who are in High School and are so close to graduating out of High School and the next step is choosing to go to college .For example ,how about if they choose "No" just to be like their favorite singer keeping their dreams open like Arthur in the movie (Hoop Dreams) he did not get into the NBA and is now from job to jobs. You can never wait to reach for that goal .You always have to do something in the mean time you have to do your homework, also your education, and get advise from older people or good friends and you'll know your heading somewhere in life if you keep going to be a professional and do something in the world. The stars that we have on TV are great because they share music that we can dance to. Or be there on TV when we get home from a tiring day so we can relax and see our favorite movie or show.

  13. celebrities should not be held to a higher standard than the rest of us. they are human and make mistakes. looking up to a celebrity is no better or worse than looking up to a regular person in your life. they are human. having money and fame does not make you better or more important than anyone else. when a youth looks up to a celebrity they have to understand that they are not perfect and they make mistakes. you should not expect perfection from them.that is unfair to the celebrity. majority of celebrities today shouldnt be looked up to anyway. Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, and Lindsay Lohan are all examples of poor examples for our youth, they encourage drug use and just general bad things. if the day ever comes where i have a child, they will be logical and understanding. as a child i looked up to the doctor from "doctor who", great science minds and people in my life that were positive images in my life. so people could look up to anyone they want. they should just truly know who they are idolizing.

  14. Celebrities shouldn't be considered role models for the youth, there are some celebrities out there that could be really good role models,but "the youth" shouldn't follow celebrities in their footsteps.They should try to be better than them.Why try to be like someone, when you could be awesome enough for someone(or millions of people) to try to be like you,it's better to be known as the original you than to be known as the second so and so.Why would you want to remind someone of a celebrity, when you can be so cool that an individual reminds somebody else of you.

    Besides,there's been many celebrities that seemed like a good role model to children in the beginning, than later on they mess up badly, and when they do that,the children still might want to be just like them, so yeah...(For example Miley Cyrus, I think that's the first thing that comes to mind when someone says "bad celebrity role model")This is one of the reasons why I think celebrities shouldn't be role models, because one moment they can be all nice and cool, and the next, they can be a complete dick and people might follow that as an example.Even if they're good celebrity role models and stay that way,they still shouldn't be any ones role model.Be a leader not a follower,if you see a celebrity is that what you truly want to be, or do you want to be like that because everyone else think that that thing is cool?Do what you want to do, and like I said "Be other peoples role model" Would you want to die a follower or a leader that people actually look up to?If the youth keeps trying to be like something they're not, a lot of things would start to lack in originality, no one'll try to be different.And everything'll start to look repetitive and seem very boring(not really)

    Also there's some other celebrities doing drugs and such(too lazy to name them but c'mon you know who they are they're celebrities,if you don't know them you should really climb out of that rock), and in my opinion the "youth" shouldn't really follow behind them, just because someone is famous don't mean you have to try to be them,and do drugs just because they do it, for example"man you gotta stop smoking" "So what if I smoke Wiz Khalifa does it and he's a famous rapper and he gets more money than you"...... besides the role model that you look up to might not even like you if you got the chance to meet.The person that you see who's all nice on tv could be an Ass-hammer in real life.And all that time that you thought that you were just like this "celebrity" you really wasn't, so yeah, I believe no one should have celebrity role models, or even role models as in a matter of fact, be yourself and stuff.

    ~Andrew White...

  15. From the time of birth to the moment we leave earth, we always being exposed to stories of heroic such as being noble, wealthy or different. But sometimes stories are apart from reality, and some times when a real person is modified as a role model for millions of peoples its hard to believe anyone would be so perfect. don't count on celebrities as the ultimate image of what ever your looking for.

    We are all humans and no human is perfect, but if the idea of perfect is put on celebrities than no improvement is ever needed in this world. anyone who have a bright side and a dark side, such as someone who can sing really well or tell jokes better than average than they get famous later and than get over confident. will that be a good role model? the part where they chase their dream is good, and should be tough to youth, most adults agrees that you should never get arrogant but the question is that would ever youth have the same experience to know what is right or wrong? scientific research show youth brain is most likely to process information base on their emotions rather think logically, so there is a lot of chance that youth would do ever thing their role model would do.
    hanlin yang

  16. I feel as if celebrities should be considered role models for youth because many people do not have a good role model at home or where ever else they may be at. Although celebrities are not better than us or really higher than us, they are famous and known and many do good and inspiring things.
    Many people go through life aimlessly, without any parental figures in their life to motivate and push them on to succeed. And that's what all of us want right? To succeed? For example, let's look at Oprah. She came from a abusive, poor family and she had teen parents. She became a self mad billionaire! She can inspire youths that come from homes where they are neglected and poor that they can rise to the top and become successful!
    Celebrities can teach us to be generous and kind when, in general, the majority of the population is selfish and stingy. For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have donated MILLIONS of dollars to charities. This proves that celebrities can be inspiring. Many people, at home, are taught to look out for only themselves because you only have yourselves at the end. Youths are also taught that people in poverty have brought it upon themselves. These famous role models can teach us otherwise.
    -Kieu Luu

  17. Celebrities should be considered role models as long as they are positive.In my opinion they are just as qualified as a regular people some are good and some are bad.Of course some celebrities make mistakes but so does everyone else except they are exposed to the world.

    celebrities are just normal people with fabulous jobs. it may seem like celebrities are always messing up but that's just the media focusing on the negative. For all the bad celebrities do there is a ton of good. They donate millions of dollars and hours of their time to numerous causes to help improve the world in which we live.

    There is a large number of youth that do not have positive role models at home or in there neighborhood. celebrities could possibly be the positive role model these youth need. thinking celebrities cant be role models because they are famous and might mess up sometimes is harsh because that's what real people do. real people twerk, do drugs, get arrested and say racist things that's how life is everyone is different. people should not be consider role models because of their job they should not be considered role models because of what they do.

  18. I believe that it is up to you to decide who is your role model. Celebrity ot not. Some celebrities inspire kids to stay off the streets, but some inspire them to do worse by writing songs to support it or doing something that is looked down upon themselves.
    I personal
    ly have a role model that is considered as a “celebrity” . I personally believe that some celebrities should be role models, and some should not. but who am I to speak for others? If that celebrity did something to inspire you, I believe that it should be counted a as role model, even though if it’s something positive, or negative. Each person has a mind of their own. And it is up to them to set their own goals. What is good and what is bad is up to their opinions, and point of view, not yours, mine, or anyone else’s. A role model is “a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.” . If someone inspires YOU to do something YOU like, then that is a role model. Do not mix the knowledge of this society of good and evil to your own. So it is up to people’s individual mind to if think celebrities should be role models, or not.

    -David Halo.

  19. I don't think that celebrities should be a role model for youths. They are entertainers, they get paid to do what ever they are doing like playing a sport, playing instruments, singing, dancing........... I'm not saying you do not have watch them preforming what I'm saying is they should not be a role model for youth .
    Alot of you are asking why celebrities should not be a role model welll here is the thing celeberties are good at what they are doing but they are not good as people. well not all of them some of them are good , first of all most of celebrities are not married or divorced. Second celebrities don't have a good reputation and nobody want to be like that.
    Celebrities have a weird look well some of them and all of their fans will try to lookand act the same as them for example miley Cyrus after she changed her look all of her fans try to look the same as her and talk and act likebwhich is not good.

  20. I don't think all celebrities can be view as a role model for youth. They were good for entertainment, but we did know how they are in real life. I didn't say that all celebrities are bad, there are several celebrities were good both in TV and real life, but their life are different from ours/normal, we can't just copy whatever they do.

    The life style of celebrities today were bad for kids. For example, their life always full of finding love and money. It was bad for kids, kids are too young for finding love and money. Can you imagine kids doing that kind of stuff? Kid suppose to play around and having fun, not finding love or money.

    Celebrities are consumptive, they have a lot of money so they can buy whatever they want. Do you think you have a lot of money so you can buy all the stuff they bought? You even still get your money from your parent. You must realize you can't become like them, you can't just go out there and waste your money. See, their life style are bad for you economy.


  21. Celebrities are not capable of being role model for the youth. Even though there are some celebrities who are saints. Their jobs are to entertain people, not to be the youth parents. Some celebrities who were young and innocent can no longer be young and innocent; everyone has to grow weather we support it or not.

    Celebrities are not our parents. I don’t believe it’s in their contract to be someone role model. Their job is to keep people entertain and attracted to the media. Pretty much what I am trying to say is, celebrities only care for the money and they are not worried of what they teach the youth it is not a part of their job.

    Celebrities who were role models to the youth like Miley Cyrus; can’t be a role model anymore. Everyone has to grow up and become bigger and better (Media better). Miley was and innocent girl in Hannah Montana, but now she just Miley going wildly, but it’s just an act; a part of her job. No celebrity can stay the same as they were in past.

  22. A celeberty is not something in which children should look up to even though many do. Celeberties live a life style in which part of their job is to me a role model, but we cant always look up to the who they are payed to be, children because they are still inoccent and blind to what goes with the people they look up too.

    A role model is not only someone you should always be able to trust but someone who doesn't just play as a role model for their job. Many Celeberties we see grow up in fame and began to look up to them as they grow, but as fame kicks in majority of them end up on drugs or in prison for some stupid reason.

    So Celeberties shouldnt be looked upon as role models because honestly they aren't worthy, b eing famous they get away with a lot that normal people cant, so children shouldnt look up to them to think its okay to brive or get away with something because a celebrity can. Parents should be role Models ( Good Ones Atleast)

  23. No i do not believe that celebrities should be role models because they are just people like you and i. They don't need the extra stress of other people on their conscience.They are human and they make mistakes and you will fall disappointed if you care too much about what they do and you let them have a huge impact on your life. We can appreciate them and be inspired by them but you shouldn't want to go down the path they are just because you want to be them . You don't want to lose sight of what is best for you and what makes you a better person. You shouldn't let other influence how you live, feel or act and just because they are celebrities, doesn't mean they do the right thing all the time.

  24. In my point of view, i feel that celebrities shouldn't be considered role models for youth. but there are some many celebrities are good roles model help charity and communities and some are bad. They might be entertainment us but we don't really know what they did we don't see them, we don't know their real life.

    Many celebrities now a day are giving bad influence to children from generation to generation. There are many celebrities who are drug addict and some are seem only innocent just for only a show but in real life their aren't. Also they only care about money. Their jobs is to make people entertained and get attention from peoples.

    All celebrities are entertainer, most of those people have changed the world in a negative way instead of positive. but some aren't always bad they have changed the world we live in for the better. In my opinion our parent should be a role model because they are our everything,. They give us an opportunity to get education.

  25. celebrities should not be considered role models for youth. Younger generations are getting brainwashed by these so called celebrity role models that think they are setting a good example for these young teenagers, where-as it is actually getting backfired. These celebrities have started to ruin our society with people are acting like copycats, because they think if celebrities can, well so can I. But these celebrities haven’t always been bad, they have had a stage in their career where they were good role models, but then their career starts to go downhill, with drugs, alcohol and even anorexia.
    Take for example Charlie Sheen. He has been the highest paid TV actor for years now, earning $2 million per episode of Two and a Half Men, and he has gone completely off the rails.
    Smoking, endorsing drugs and alcohol and being susceptible to drunken rages have given him even more attention and made him even more famous than he was 12 months ago.
    Also i believe that every single human being makes a lot of mistakes the hell! i make mistakes! Everybody does! The reason i said that is because celebrities are actually human beings too, and they make mistakes, so when a teenager is making a celebrity as his role model, and tries to follow what he does, we don't even know what kind of mistakes that celebrity is doing! He maybe using drugs like Charlie Sheen and i'm sure a lot of celebrities does that. I don't want my future child to follow a celebrity and smoke weed because his role model does( a bandwagon appeal).
    There's a lot of good celebrities that can be role models but parents are the perfect example of role models because even good celebrities don't even care about you or me. They just care if they're happy with they're lives or not.

  26. Celebs shouldn't be viewed as celebrities. They are imperfect humans just like everyone else.Also,many celebrities make bad choices.
    For example,Miley Cyrus.She used to be the cute little kid on Hannah Montana,the golden kid. Now all of a sudden she's scantily dressed and twerking on Robin Thicke.

    Like mothers-is this the kind of person you want your daughters to imitate???! No,right? If that is case-then parents need to do your bloody job and teach your children to imitate celebrities who are doing the right thing.

    In closing,parents keep in mind-it is your job to teach your children to do right and to do good in the world. Do not rely on the celebrities-they get paid to keep us(the public)wanting more. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!! THEY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILTY,DON'T RELY ON CELEBS!!!! (DO YOUR BLOODY JOB AND RAISE YOUR KIDS!!!!) Celebrities are only in it to get a paycheck!!!!!!
