Sunday, November 10, 2013

Change in Secondary Education

You are all high school veterans, and veterans have opinions that are carved out of personal experience.

What does your experience tell you should be changed in high school education?  It could be a national topic, a topic that affects you as a student in the School District of Philadelphia, or a topic that is entirely unique to being a student at Furness High School.

Structure your analysis as follows:
  • Introductory Paragraph that provides important background on the topic and a clear thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraph #1 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraph #2 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
  • Conclusion Paragraph that discusses why this issue is of importance.
Due Date: Friday, Nov. 15th @ 4:30pm 


  1. I believe some things that could be changed my high school to improve education would be to understand the surroundings and environment around us. To understand the statistics and percents of us actually graduating Furness. I think by trying to enable a different mindset for the students in the high school would improve the awareness of the students. I believe that courses that help us prepare for adult hood would benefit a lot because by doing this it will prepare us and get us ready for life after school.

    Another way to improve schools would be to keep the students active with activities and Games in the classrooms. By doing this it will keep students engaged in the lessons being taught. In high school students get bored really fast and I believe by keeping the students active and engaged in the lessons would result in the students learning more and wanting to learn more.

    A final way to improve schools in my opinion would be to improve school lunches. Lunch is the one thing students go to in order to gain energy and complete their day. If no students are eating the lunch it can can result in students not being focused in the classroom resulting in a lack of concentration from the students and a unwillingness to be involved. By a better lunch it would just do the opposite of that and fuel the students and energize them to want to be involved.

    In conclusion I believe I that a better education could come in many ways. It's a process that needs help and support from others in order to grow. I believe that these changes will eventually come gradually but it's something that takes time and effort .

  2. As a student of Furness high school I believe there are a number of things to be changed.

    I believe that the schools discipline actions are very much needed since Furness may have some kid who don't come to school for the right reasons and don't make the best decisions but, for something as silly as a uniform violation to keep you out of your classes for a full school day is just unacceptable. I believe that there are much more options of discipline for a simple uniform violation or even lateness then an in house suspension. If that is simply the best method the people who handle these kinds of things could come up with then at least let students do the classwork, homework,projects etc they will be missing out on that day. A student's grades should not suffer or they should not have to struggle to catch up after a in house over something so stupid. I couldn't think of a better word than just plain stupid. I know these people were hired because they a "smart" but this is just pure lack of common sense.( Oh. You were late to class and it caused you to miss some note taking and didn't serve a detention? Come to 001 and be late again so we can give you an hour because that makes so much sense. Oh you can't serve your hour because you have other important things to do after school? Let me put you in a room and make you miss every class today because that's so smart.) Like seriously it's sad that discipline gets in the way of education.

    I also believe that there should be multiple ways students could make up missing credits. Sometimes life happens and it just gets in the way of school. We're only human and we can't control somethings. Sometimes we're just simply lazy or just aren't cut out for school.I think Furness should offer some type of after school or night classes for kids who really want to pass and graduate on time. The kids may need help and why should they be denied it? I think this is a good idea and the graduation rate would be higher because of this new opportunity given to these kids. Even attendance would be better because these kids will actually be passing and will find a reason to stay in school.

  3. There may be a lot of things to change in the High School education that I really don’t think about of. I actually don’t know a lot about high schools that are not under control of School district. But I have been in this school for three years and that means I have a lot of experiences about this school. I know pretty much about this school and also heard about the School district budget crisis. They cut lots of money on every school.

    I think the first thing that has to change is breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is really important and a good breakfast can make your day brighter. The lunch is also really important for students. Students stay at school all day and many times we don’t get a good lunch. It is really nightmare for the students. Since the students are still young they need to get nutrition. So I think school food is really important for students healthy.

    The second thing is that student’s schedule. Some students have lunch at fourth period. It is about ten past half. They eat breakfast at a round seven in the morning and have lunch after three and a half hours later. It is crazy. It really is. How are people supposed to get hunger when they had their breakfasts three hours earlier? It is too early for lunch and some students complain that they always feel hungry in seventh and eighth periods. If you are hungry, there is nothing in your mind rather than food.

    I think the two problems that I mentioned above are needed to be changed in the school. There can be a lot more or things that are really important than these problems. But I still think that school foods impact a lot on the students. That’s why I choose these problems that should be changes in high School education system based on my experiences.

  4. Education is a very important structure for every child and or teen. Education can lead you to experiences you never thought of. As children grow education maybe become more important to them or less important. It’s sad when kids get older and lose interest in education and it’s because there are schools that just don’t give that much importance to the students. Schools that will help and improve the students grades will make students want to attend school and have more interest towards school.

    As a student of Furness High School I feel that this high school could do better to become a more interesting school. The education is excellent but there are teachers that just don’t know either how to teach their class/lesson or just don’t have one clue what they are talking about. I feel that some teachers in this school are perfect at their jobs as teachers, some teachers just won't help you with your work or whenever students need help with their class. Some teachers would give you work that has nothing to deal with the lesson and that makes students get confused towards what they learned that day. If the teacher would give homework and classwork about that lesson more students would pay attention in their class and pass their class.

    Also there are teachers that you ask for help and they get smart with you for no reason. If they want us to do their work right and if we come for help then you job is to explain what we have to do not yell and say then pay attention in class next time. Is not that students don’t pay attention is because some students have different ways of learning and they need extra time or extra attention and come teachers don’t know that. When teachers give out homework they don’t check it the next day if you give homework out then check it the next day that will make you see who is doing your work and who is paying attention in your class. Giving more importance towards the child’s education makes you feel better about your job as a teacher.

    In conclusion, education in Furness will be better if the some teachers give more importance towards the child’s excellence in their class. Being a good and intelligent teacher makes you make your students proceed in their education. Teaching is the most important to us that's how we learn new things and that's how they stick in our brain. Better teachers is what Furness needs more teachers that care about the student’s future.

  5. I would start my writing by saying this, Education is very important to our daily lives. Why? because it identifies who you are and what you are. In this 21st century if Education is not in your life, then you're a BIG FAT ZERO and no one is going to ask for you. Its really hard to see that the school you're in has so many things that annoys you and see that teachers, staff and everyone else is not giving importance to something beautiful that's called Education. There is so many things you have to change in this school but you just don't know what to change.

    I will give advice to change some boring teachers in this school. Education supposed to be fun, entertaining, energetic and interesting. But this school has some boring teachers that doesn't know what they're talking about and doesn't even greet with a smile in the morning, afternoon or any time. They always have that boring look on their that makes Education Blah Blah and the most boring. That has to changed. Teachers should be more alert, organized and THEY HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO SMILE. Sorry for saying this, but I'm talking frank and honestly.

    Teachers should know how to teach because we depend on them to give us knowledge and Education. I mean teachers are making fun of Education by not knowing what they're talking about and yelling at us because we go to them for help or request them for some extra time to complete their work. Teachers, you want you your students to adore you and respect you because you're such a good teacher and also because that teacher gave us knowledge. Teachers need to make Education fun by cracking a few jokes in class and making everything fun. We students come to school everyday to what? gain knowledge and if we can't get justice such as Education then how are we going to succeed? Students will blame their teachers for them not succeeding, some might maybe even sue the teachers you never know. I want teachers to greet students with a lovely smile everyday and help ALL THE STUDENTS gain knowledge and make sure they understand. and make sure that Education is glued to the students brain.

    In conclusion, at Furness High School, teachers need some better teachers to give more importance to a child's life and see the students succeed. Being a funny, exciting, energetic teacher make Education fun and students will love learn. And every student would succeed. I can also say that the students that cut school will completely stop because they're eager and EXCITED to go to their next class and learn where teachers feel like the students Homie and crack a few jokes and make Education fun.

  6. The education we need to learn and our ability to endure the knowledge we need now is great throughout the childhood innocence of our on going life. As we overcome different obstacles there will be challenges faced at times we need to experience. Since technology is getting more profound, there will be a higher Markey for educated citizens. But there are so many wrong choices that are being made throughout the school district and school funding, like building 2 billion dollar for prisons. Adults put children’s down in certain communities feeling as though they wont achieve.

    As a citizen and enrolled student of the school district of Philadelphia, I strongly feel harshness toward my education and other students. We can do better if our school was built safer for our future and for our careers. Not only since our education is our job it’s also our pride and treasure. We need the adults to not dismiss us but to embrace us.

    We as student have concerns that may cause us to make wrong decision. We need the right support of qualified professional educators to guide us and inspire us to do great things for our bright future. We need more technology, resources, and more opportunity to experience real 24/7-maturity life.

    Education should be something we want to do, rather then what we have to do. Students should be more engaged and have greater say in what they learn and how they learn it. We should be equal in our choices and our work process, rather then what was decided to us by the status quo. We are not puppets and should not be manipulated, for we are individual with differentiated skills for learning.

    Finally, we as a nation are “Screwed” if we do not look at the bigger picture and realize the important to funding free and affordable education for all. This means resources, technology, staffing, reduce class size, positive learning environment, and early childhood education, this should be a priority throughout every nation, especially in America


  7. instead of markey is market grammer issue

  8. There are a lot of things to change in the High School education. I don’t know a lot about high schools that are not under control of School district. But I have been in this school for one year. I know a lot about this school and also heard about the School district budget crisis. They cut lots of money on every school including Furness.

    I think the first thing that has to change is their meal. Breakfast is really important and a good breakfast can make your day smoother. Lunch is also really important for students. Students stay at school all day and many times we don’t get a good lunch. It is really bad for the students. Since the students are still young they need to get nutrition. So I think school meal is really important for students health.

    The second thing is that student’s schedule. Some students have lunch at fourth period. It is about ten past half. They eat breakfast at a round seven in the morning and have lunch after three and a half hours later. It is too early for lunch and some students complain that they always feel hungry in seventh and eighth periods. If you are hungry, there is nothing in your mind rather than food.

    The two problems that I mentioned above are needed to be changed in the school. There can be a lot more things that are needed to be changed. But I still think school foods has a lot of effects on the students. I choose these problems based on my experiences.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. As a student in Furness High School, I strongly recommend adding more diverse classes to the school. Our school only has Chinese and Spanish classes, which. Have already passed and there are no more other second language classes that I can take. Therefore, augmenting the amount of different classes will increase student's interest, and different variety choices to choose from.

    Seventy percent of students from Furness, says that Chemistry is a really bring subject and most of she have failed because its so banal. To solve his problem, having; more diverse classes will enhance she student's interests and motivation to keep moving forward. Getting good grades and having mind-sets will be the result of the action. For instance, I like Chemistry, which the school already have, this subject fought me a lot and it is also my interest which it leads me thinking what I wanted to do when I grow up.

    Different varieties of classes will let students having some opportunities to experience diverted classes. Giving this kind of opportunity, students will have wide vision of what they wanted to do as a profession in the future. Only the students who found their mind-set will set a goal to achieve. Which, they will do their best and work hard to achieve. Therefore, diversity of classes is very important.

    Changing the diversity will be a really good choice to start improving kid's education and interest. Without interests, student will not have enthusiasm and goals to go for. Without education, kids can not improve and achieve big. Therefore, the more choices there is, the more goals students will set.

  11. Schools are institutions created to teach and socialize students in an environment they feel comfortable in. However after the 2008 global economic recession, the United States education system has seen drastic budget cuts as states try to cut on budget deficits and get back on their feet (congress, 2010). These budget cuts are impacting negatively on the standards and quality of education.

    It seems like whenever the government needs money the first place that they draw it from is the education funds. This decision seems senseless on the government's part because our country is already lagging behind other countries in the subjects of math and science and many politicians are talking about improving the scores in math and science, but I can not possibly see how we can improve these scores by taking money away from many of the educational programs that can probably help these improvements happen.

    Increasing class sizes is one of the issues we have in the school district of Philadelphia. It affects the students' concentration in class. Adding more students which is a very big issue in my school "Furness high" means more time spent on classroom management, behavioral problems and discipline and actually less time learning. It also affects the teachers. I observed an increase fatigue on them. They are more overwhelmed by the volume of work and the speed of students grasping issues reduces.
    The budget cuts are mainly affecting the teachers not being paid enough and the lack of access to technology in the classroom

    It’s very frustrating, annoying, and concerning to me, There will be dramatic impacts to our community schooling. But we’re going to continue and we’re going to be successful, we’re going to meet all our objectives. I wish the cuts weren’t taking place but we can’t throw our hands up. It just makes our job harder but it makes us keep working, and keep fighting.

  12. Transitioning from a really good school to an okay school is pretty different and life changing for me and my education. This school may be a public school but there is so much stuff that needs to be fix about this school, first the detention system.

    I am outraged and i'm sure many students are too, Its so unfair for the teachers and student. When a student is down in 001 waiting for their number to be call, they are missing test, quiz, classwork and so much more during their time, so they would have to make that all up during the teacher time. So far, I have been in 001 for over 3 time this year and its just not worth missing class time.

    Sometime the reason for getting detention isn't much of a reason. You get detention for acting up (which I think you should get detention for) and for being late to school. I really don't think students should get detention for being late to school, I mean I guess the teachers are trying to teach us a lesson by giving us detention and showing us that there are punishment to your action but honestly its not teaching any of us a lesson. Back in my old school, you never got detention for being late, you only got detention for acting up and skipping classes. I guess that is two different things since they are two different school but the detention should be changed. Some people have work after school so they can't make it to detention, that will lead to many problems such as in house.

    In house is the most craziest thing ever. Your in a class for a whole day learning about stuff that we learned back in middle school. So now the student wasted a whole day in in house when they can be in class taking their test, quiz, and learning about whatever they should be learning about. I was in in house last year and this year, what did i learn in there? NOTHING! They gave us the same work to do for last year and this year, at least change up the work once in a while. As a person what did I learned from that? NOTHING!!!!

    In conclusion, this school isn't very organize and we need to change the detention system as soon as possible. We as the student are outrage by this corruption!


  13. I'am currently a Furness High School student.I can say that the only reason i come to Furness is because of my education,but there is many things that i really disagree with as in the thirty minute detention that we get and the discipline here at Furness High School.

    Education is very important it is not something that i enjoy every five days ,but i try to get my motivation up everyday and time.Having to get up early is the only obstacle i had in the past two years ,but i'am now working on that.That is to say, i only have been late rarely this year.Some of the times that i came in late it was just by a minute late and still i had an thirty minute detention.I understand why Furness High School does this and that reason is so we will learn to get here earlier,but honestly this rule doesn't work because every time their is detention given for coming late we get used to getting our detention.I firmly believe that detention should only be given for as many minutes we have came late.

    Moreover,INHOUSE SUSPENCION really angers me not because it makes me go crazy staying in a room doing work the whole time with no windows and not being allowed to go to lunch with our friends at least.First of all,we are not given work from our teachers to work on them,because the reason we came to school was to get our education well in my case not to be stoped and told i can't wear a no coler shirt i was new to the school in 9th grade.We are treated like prisoners becuase not even the work that i have done that i got an A+ on i got credit for.

    To summarize,i like this school ,but the rule here's do not treat us like students if not like prisoners.Detention is given for thirty minutes a minute late.Also,just because you wear a no collar shirt grey with black pants i'am put into inhouse that is ridiculous.That is,because i miss 8 hours of school time doing work that ,that counts for nothing in my grades.I really strongly disagree with the disipline in Furness High School.

    -Radhalcely Morel

  14. As a Furness High School student I feel that a number of things can be changed at the school.I believe that the school should get new technology like new laptops.The old laptops they would be slow/they get frozen.It is a bad thing for a student that needs to get his/her work done.The education is really good but there are some teachers that don't really know what they are teaching.I feel that my grades are going to be effected by it because I'm not understanding what they are teaching.Also they should make classes more interesting and entertaining it makes me want to pay attention to what they are teaching.
    The next thing I would change would be the lunch they serve us.The breakfast is pretty good compare to what they serve us at lunch.At lunch they serve us food that looks like it went out instead of in.Sometimes I would not eat it and wait till I came home to have an appetizing meal and I really don't want to wait until 3:04 to get something to eat.
    With the School District's budget cuts I think is senseless to the teachers and students of the schools.I feel that they don't want us to get everything we need to help us make it in the schools.Everyone should have everything they need to finish school and go to college and follow there dreams of what they want to do.
    In conclusion at Furness High School there is a lot of things that needs to be changed.The technology,the food,and the lessons they are teaching in class.If these changes can be made I feel that everyone at Furness can have a great time learning and eating everyday oft he week.

  15. High school is the place to which the final mandatory education in united state is done, so everyone in the system have been involved for the pass ten years we are the so called veterans. By this point school don't feel new or executing as the first year so the lacking of enthusiastic and motivation slowed us from learning, and generally hate school. what can be changed?
    Other high school in China, Norway, Japan , and Sweden there test score don't lack the momentum in later school years. Mainly due to a few reasons such as the pressure teacher and parent press on students force them to do better in school, a hard study course since grade school, or maybe they are just not as lazy as the americans. How can you do better? for example if you are proud of something will you keep going and practice for better out comes, most of us will. Than you may ask what are our advantages over the rest of the world? do we have a good reputation in education? Or a lacking ranking of 17 in science. Yet no major change has been mad in reason years to improve science classes. As a high school student in united states, and you are tough from the start to be average what can be the motivation or example to follow?
    The math class in united states is too easy, not for the experience but from facts such as most international students have a higher math score to an all average american student, Sometimes because the teacher is spending so much trying to assure the entire class understand the problem, the international student step up and can explain better than the teachers. This kind or embarrassment happens multiple times during my 3 year in high school, the level of different leads to half of the class asleep and half of the class day dreaming. everyone have some sort of responsibility.
    When we look at our high school for a communities point of view its fine, but if we compare to the world the high school in united states are completely a joke.
    (hanlin yang)

  16. There are several things in my school that can be change to improve education and environment around our school. I knew it because I have a lot of experience about my school, this is my third year in Furness High School. I know about the budget crisis in high school’s economy.

    The first thing that can be change is the teacher. A good teacher can lead good student. School need to hire a teacher, not someone who can’t teach. I can tell you this because last year I had a teacher who can’t teach, the students in his class were all slept, playing cards and phone, and eating in class because what he taught was boring and he doesn’t even care about it, he doesn’t even look at us. That’s why they need a real teacher, not someone who pretend to be a teacher.

    Then, I would like to recommend more security in breakfast and lunch period. Since the first time I went to this school, students in lunch period always cut in the line. And this year, they not only cut in the line in lunch period, but they also cut in the line in the morning breakfast. They always said they are hungry, don’t they ever think I was hungry too. so, they need improving the security in cafeteria because not only cut in the line, many fight happened in cafeteria.

    In conclusion, not only improving the teaching and security system in school, but also to improve the discipline in school is essential to improve the education quality in the school.


  17. Personally,I like school,I'm just lazy.One thing I would change about Furness is the lack of variety of languages being taught. The only languages that are taught are Mandarin-Chinese and Spanish.As far as Im concerned,this is interfering with my career goals after high school(I want to get my liscense in Cosmetology and become a certified/offficial interpeter/translator in Mandarin-I can;t do that if I'm only alotted the time from sophmore year to senior year to learn a language. Now don't get me wrong,it does require effort,but if the school district of philadelphia is going to have students to take a language class,then the least they could do is offer language classes during the weekend or in the summer! Because last I checked-to take a language class at CCP,costs over $100! I say this because"my money is funny amd my credit dont get it."(In other words,it costs way too much money to take extra language class in order to supplement what I'm learning in class!

    Another thing I would like to change about Furness high school is the DISCIPLINE.I don't think that the teachers,staff,or even The school district of philadelphia understands what the word "discipline"means. Discipline doesn't mean-to give a child a slap on the wrist,it means to put them in check and actually follow through on your word-don't sit up there and just threaten to suspend or throw a child in in-house.KICK THEM OUT OR CALL THEIR PARENTS IF THEY WANT TO SIT THERE AND ACT AS IF THEY DON'T HAVE ANY COMMON SENSE!!!! I know this isn't jail but throw the book at those kids(and by book i mean the school policy)....threats don;t mean anything to the young people of today,you have to follow through on your word.My point is: if the staff and teachers want their students to respect them and obey the rules,they need put them in check and "throw the book at them" and to actually discipline kids instead of being lenient.
    Consequences are like babseball-3 STRIKES,AND YOUR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. *3 strikes and YOUR OUT!!!!(but im sure you get the point)

  18. Before I attended Furness, I went to two other high schools in Virginia. I do enjoying going to school for many reasons, but the reason I enjoyed going to school almost everyday in Virginia was because I loved my elective classes and I got to choose them. Even though I enjoy going to Furness. I think I would enjoy it more if there were more elective classes to choose from.

    If we had more electives to choose from, students would have a better time coming to school and improving their grades. Electives are what make classes/schools more fun. It’s fun and educational. Student would come to school more because they would actually enjoy what they are being taught. And if they are enjoying what they are being taught, then their GPA will most likely improve.

    Electives can also give us experiences in life. For instance, in Virginia I took NJROTC and that class prepared me for the military. I also took Intro to Health which helped me prepare myself for any medical schools and even medical emergencies. Electives are fun, but they are also helpful because they actually teach us what really out there in the real world.

    I can conclude that if Furness have more elective classes; most likely students would show up in class and in school more often. And our school would have a better image.

  19. when i was in Tunisia education sucked, i thought when i came here i would get i better education, well i didn't get a better education but i got more chance to get into i better colleges, the problem in high schools in USA is the schedule .every year we have to take a lot of different classes in Tunisia we take the same classes every year but in a higher level every time we go to a higher grade and i think the Tunisian school system is better let tell you why:
    first of all if you study for example algebra in 10th grade and then you never take algebra, when you go to college and you take a math class you will find you're self lost.
    and a second problem related to this problem is in USA we go to school at 8 AM and we leave at 3 PM but in Tunisia we go at 8 AM we leave at 12 PM and at 2 PM we go back to school and leave at 5 PM so we have almost two hours to relax our self and we have a 10 minutes break at 10 AM but here we go to class and when the bell rings we go to another class that's turn out to be a routine and thats not good for students and for teachers also

  20. I am totally fed up of our education system. I really loved and enjoyed studying but slowly when I grew up I found our education system a total burden. I am lacking in education because of the way Furness runs its dis-functional school; and i was actually into school before i cam to Furness .The second thing is that student’s schedule are never what its supposed to be. Another problem we go to school at 8 AM and we leave at 3. when we should get here a 9 and leave at 4. This way it gives students time to wake up and get to school. If Furness did any of these thins i would have more students who do what they are supposed to; and less children coming to school for the wrong reasons being a problem child.

  21. there was more i dont know what happed to it, it was before this one tho i couldnt stay because of my curfew

  22. Being a student a Furness has changed my whole high school experience. It is not at all what i expected it to be ;and i owe that to the school district of Philadelphia and the Furness school system's errors. Me personally like school everything from going school shopping to homework ;but since if Philadelphia i haven't been getting a good education. I came here from Georgia where the school system is totally different from the grading system to the buildings.

    First things first the only thing i have to say about the school board is that it needs to get more funding. Next lets talk about Furness and the flaws of the high school. The school needs to put a few more good teachers on pay roll because so far they only have a hand full. I've sat it some classes and literally didn't do anything. I fell like i don't have motivation from all of my teachers.

    furthermore Furness should reevaluate the discipline system because most of there teacher abuse there power. In that school you can get detentions for almost anything . You get punished for everything from going to the bathroom to early to putting on your hood before you get down the steeps to leave. Those are just a few of the outrageous examples of teachers abusing your power.

    If Furness High School reevaluate their system then their attendance,reputation, and popularity will increase. If they did some of these things along with some of the other things that themselves an the students came up with they would have t a high school. Those are the most important things that come to mind when i think of things that come to mind when i think of things that need to be fixed within the Philadelphia School System and Furness High School.

    __Shamp Fields

  23. Same thing happened as before exceeded the character limit,------v link to what I wrote

    ~Andrew White

  24. My main focus for this topic is the school district of Philadelphia. As a student, I personally feel like our school district has done a complete and utter disservice to us. They treat us like mindless, heartless criminals. Needless to say, in the eyes of the teachers we are children however, the point of high school is to prepare the students for college and/or work experience. Blatantly said, it has not prepared us at all.

    In other nations, and even in other school districts, the students are granted much more freedom than us. The school district treat the students like criminals. They treat us like we get up every morning ready to fight or we wake up ready to drop out. This is unacceptable. Not only is it insulting, it is unproductive. I feel that we should be able to wear hoodies, we should be able to freely question our teachers, have books for all of our classes, and have more counselors for emotional stability. We should not be treated like mindless, immoral puppets.

    Another point to be made is lack of emotional support, as a student who is very anxious, I feel as though the lack of emotional support is ridiculous. They completely cut counselors out of the picture. What does that tell me as a anxious student? "Oh, you may have an anxiety attack but we don't care. Of course, we want you to produce straight A's though." Also teachers, I feel as though that do not get enough credit. There are teachers who will literally stay after school to help students out with their issues, give money out of their own pocket for a student in dire need, and all the teachers get is cut paychecks.

    Overall, the fact that students are being treated like this is unacceptable. There needs to be a change. I believe its pretty safe to say that our school district is not doing its job. This is important because we are the future of our city and our nation. They are not properly preparing us to take on this heavy task of being the future.

  25. I myself has been to many schools before this, therefore I have seen enough to know what is missing in our edumacation. The very pillars of our Systems are incinerating slowly, one by one. Our problem is not the school itself but how it is govern and organized. The school AND the students need to improve themselves. We need a new way to convince them that their future is at stakes. We need to show them that you can create your own hope just by learning. I don't know what is more powerful and dangerous than knowledge, but that knowledge can give you a weapon so strong that it can give you power to choose and carve out your own future, maybe others too. These bright minds can be corrupted and destroyed so easily because it is too fragile, schools can protect that. But what our real problem is that kids don't know that. They see schools as prison, that is because they are not convince enough that this is a gate to bel-air. We need a new way to convince them to stay because they can walk out anytime and their freedom would protect them. And even if they are in school, they may not be learning anything. Creating a paste that will work beside them and help them should help.
    Another subject is Discipline. Discipline is needed but the particular one we have here in furness does not seem to work. I mean, getting the wrong dress code and then have in-house all day is just ridiculous, we need a structure that will work towards the system and actually make kids stop disobeying the rules and cope with them. Getting in-house for something that is so unnecessary is EXTREMELY idiotic and just plain stupid. Kids are missing out on what they need to learn and they spend something that they don't wanna do instead. Personal problems are an issue too. students that deals with emotional problems shouldn’t have to face them alone, if it were up to me i would get just more than one counselors.
    I believe that anything can change if they are willing to. Schools aren’t just a place you go to everyday to see your friends and have fun, it shouldn’t be about worrying about your grades so much and then copy others’ work, its not a place to deal with drama either, but it is a place where you have the ability to shape and sharpen your mind, not all kids know this, and not all kids believe this. This country’s education is slowly corrupting, but that can change. I believe in the country America used to be. But it is up to us, we are self govern, but we just don’t know it yet, right now our generation is our only hope to keep this world alive, would you risk burning down this world by simply stepping out? Would you risk shutting down our children?

    -David Halo

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.
