Sunday, September 8, 2013

Affirmative Action in College Admissions?

First, read the following article:

Then, formulate your own position on this issue (three total paragraphs):
  • Thesis Statement
  • Supporting Argument #1
  • Supporting Argument #2



  1. I strongly recommend that affirmative action in college admission is necessary. Fifty-eight percent of the applicants advocates the action. Colleges wanted to make their school diverse so there will be more students applying for the school. Also, the affirmative action shows equality in ethnics among schools.

    If the school is diverse, many students will want to attend to the college. Due to the diversity, many people around the world will want to get enrolled to the colleges in the United States, because they will have a vast possibility getting accepted. The affirmative action is giving every race a chance to have an opportunity.

    Affirmative action shows equalities. Colleges want to give the public a good impression on ethnics, so they will not have any people complaining about racial discrimination. Racial discrimination will result in lawsuits and complications. Therefore, affirmative action improves our world with equality.
    -Dawson Chen

  2. I feel like affirmative action in college admission is necessary. I believe this action gives more minorities a chance of getting in to college especially if their grades aren't that good. I also feel as though it would make the schools a whole lot more diverse. Besides I don't think its fair that someone should be denied acceptance because he/she is less intelligent then the next person.

    A person can fail numerous times but if that person tries and tries but is still struggling that does not mean that they should not be accepted into college. Therefore college admission should not be solely based on merit. especially earn it comes to minorities we want more and more minorities to go to college but if they feel like they don't meet the academic standards then they wont apply.

    Diversity is another important part of the affirmative action. I feel as though this action would make schools more diverse. pushing this action would show people that even though its not all about grades, grades are still important. Besides in my opinion a school that is diverse is a school that's more fun.

  3. I recommend affirmative action be taken place in college.I believe ethnic background should never over see a person's ability to work and the person's ability to comprehend with what he is doing.this shouldn't over shadow a person's integrity due to ethnic background . I believe the same opportunity should be for anyone willing to work hard.

    1)over the past years there has been a lot of action that took place to try to make equal rights possible. The same should be for colleges who have people who want to work hard and make their lives better. So why not give them that opportunity if they are as qualified as anyone else.race shouldn't be a factor in determining a person likelihood of being accepted in college because less academically qualified individuals are being admitted who perhaps would never work as hard as the people who were not accepted sure to there race.

    2) I believe that By allowing equality in schools it would not only be the right thing but it would also make schools better. By seeing different cultures throughout the school it will make other people want to learn more about that culture. It will increase the companionship throughout considering the race of a person over the fact that this person could actually be good for a number of reason besides race should be considered.

    Isaiah Randolph

  4. I believe that affirmative action in college admission is necessary. With this action, minorities have a better chance to go to school. Most minority families have a poor education background, which gives them less chance to get a high score.

    Diversity can improve a school's teamwork. Minorities can increase the rate of diversity in a school, when a school is more diverse, it allows people from different races/ethinicity to communicate and study together.

    Minorities came from different backgrounds, they have a higher chance of getting depressed by family situations or personal issues. When a person is depressed, there is no way they could concentrate on their studies and achieve a high score in classes.

    -Yong Da Huang

  5. Affirmative action in college admissions is a must. This would allow more minorities to have a better chance of attending the college of their choice. Without anyone judging them on their nationality. It would also make a school way more diverse. Minorities can bring so much more to the table because everyone does not have the same thinking process and i feel like that would be better for the school.
    Minorities can come from many different and unique backgrounds.This would also be a chance to view different people as equally as you would view yourself. Colleges should not look at things like ethnicity; but by what a persons achievements and abilities are . Minorities can do anything another person can do. And, have the same test scores (which is what most colleges look at).
    Another reason i agree that affirmative action is necessary in college admissions is because it's the right thing to do. someone should not discriminate others on their race. This would also avoid problems for the school because if they do not agree with this there would be lots of protests about it; and it would not look good to an outsider viewing that certain college. A school that is diverse has so much more to offer because everyone is not the same.

  6. I feel like an odd ball right now, but I don't really support affirmative action. First reason is because it really isn't fair for those who work their way up. And second, why would we need affirmative action now if we are all consider equal in the U.S?

    In my opinion, affirmative action isn't a fair game to all. People who work hard and struggle trying to get into their dream school can't get in because they’re not a minority. So, what does that tell high school students now? To me its saying, don't do your best in school. There's a college that will accept you because your Black, White, Hispanic, etc. Getting acceptance from college shouldn't be based upon race; it should be based upon merit.

    In the U.S as of right now, aren't we all equal? If we are, why do we need affirmative action in place? It would be understandable in the past when there was segregation, but we're not segregated anymore, besides the part if you chose to. Affirmative action plays a part of equality, but for the wrong reasons. Like I said, getting acceptance from college shouldn't be based upon race; it should be based upon merit.

  7. This so call country of equality is at its greatest falling point right now,America is sitting on turmoils of b.s policies that the "man" keep appointing to us. What happen to hard work and your hard work reflect where you are in life? You know what affirmative action is? Affirmative action is racism at its finest! Affirmative action goes against the beliefs of an equal country and is just an easy passage for the people who didn't work their way to where they are at in life.

    Why should any colleges even care about your race or ethnicity? Why? Why should we be accepted base on our skin instead of our hard work and our skills? Some people will work their butts off in hopes of getting into the colleges of their dream but because of affirmative action these people will not be able to get into their dream college because of who they are. They were not born with a choice of skin color nor were they born to be judge upon so why would they be pick base off of it. I'll admit that there really isn't any type or form of equality in America but this is just a blunt way of pointing out inequality in America.

    You remember how back in elementary when us children were too young to understand racism or politics or anything? Well back in elementary race was not an issue, in fact back in elementary I didn't even know what skin color was.But anyway I'm pretty sure we can all say that we remember our teachers telling us how hard work will get us anywhere in life....I guess not...maybe they should start telling the kids that your skin color will get you anywhere in life. Now how stupid does that sound? Affirmative action is just an easy passage for those people who always got the easy way out of everything.I guess we really do live in a color blind society.

    - Emily Nguyen

  8. I think that affirmative action in college admission is necessary. This action gives a chance for minorities to get in college. With many different minorities, It would make a school more diverse and unique. And we have an equal right to have education.

    You can learn something new from many different races and background. Don't be racist and discriminate other people, but learn to see each other as your equal. The way it different make it fun.

    If there is a person who is smart and want to attend to college and he/she did not get accept in the college only because his/ her race, it will be a waste. Diversity does not make your school looks weird, it makes your school looks unique.


  9. In my opinion, I recommend that affirmative action in college admission is necessary. Why because colleges shouldn't accept students who got 3.8 or 4.0 on their GPA, yet some students who work hard and still can't get the grades they wished for can be with many different reasons. Yet, we all have to remember that everyone has a family and someone has to take the place to handle that family. We have to understand that and give them a chance to shine and sparkle.

    Now its time that colleges let these students in and change their thinking because its the 21st century. If the college let these students in, they will get a whole mixture of people with different thinking, culture and the love they give to each other. US is the place where you can find education anywhere and people will respect that and now they have to respect the fact that someone left their whole family and native country behind just to come to the US, trust the college systems and gain some knowledge.

    As colleges let these students in, the college will become more unique and diverse and will do its best to secure someones future. Nobody in todays world should be accepted because either their skin is brown, black or white. We're all equal people because we're humans and we have a heart. The only difference is that we speak/eat/wear different things yet we have the same the heart.

  10. In my point of view, I think that affirmative action in college admissions is necessary. I think this a good idea because students give it their all to get where they want to go in life. Just because students don't get excellent grades like others it doesn't mean they shouldn't be accepted. Colleges should accept students who are capable to worker hard and get good grades like any other student can. Also students shouldn't be discriminated from their color or ethnicity to be able to attend college.

    Students who want to go to college should have the chance to finish college and get their career. Just because students grades are not to good like others doesn't mean they can't show their intelligence in other ways. Students should always have a chance to have an education in any way they are the color or race doesn't matter.

    I also think that colleges should accept students that are from different places around the world. It would be a good influence to other students. Students can learn different kinds of cultures and languages from other students. Having a diverse college is a fun thing for other students they can have friends from other places and learn a lot of new things. It would also teach students not to discriminate students who arrive from other countries and or states that really want to have an education. Having a mixed ethnic group of people in college can be very fun for students.

    Sandra Sanchez

  11. A clear majority of Americans, more than 67 percent are opposed or against race and ethnicity in college admissions according to the survey. That's mean more people don't like to have a change.
    I also think affirmative action in college admission is unnecessary.Students should be accepted depend on their merit.let just the door open and people who deserve will get it by themselves.I don't see nothing wrong with the way it is now.
    In college admission, an applicant's racial and ethnic background shouldn't be considered. I believe affirmative action might increase racism between college students. So I disagree the affirmative action in college admission.


  12. i do not support the affirmative action because i honestly feel like it's racist. I think that we're all humans and we all must have the same rights no matter what race or gender we are. We all deserve fair chances to compete at and learn anything we choose to in life. It's really stupid to learn in school that any kind of discrimination is wrong, because that make us dream but then when you grow up and face the real life you find out that even educated people are using it in college. After someone worked hard to get whatever he wanted because he/she believed he/she could get it especially in this country (the country that all people have the same rights in), he/she finds out that there is a discrimination in the U.S.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. affirmative action is an great way to create diverse collages, which can bring different minority groups together. also to enhance the requirements of applications, so its not only depended on raw score and backgrounds. By bring in different culture together generally give collage a better reputation in public.

    Affirmative action base on race can reduce discrimination for different races. one study conducted at the University of Chicago found that people with black-sounding names such as Lakisha and Jamal are 50 percent less likely to be interviewed for collage compared to people with white-sounding names such as Emily or Greg. So affirmative action can help by including race, color, religion,national origin, gender, and age, into consideration.

    United state is a mixed with different culture and and groups, and because of the majority of the population are White or European American (about 72 percent) affirmative action help other 28 percent of non white to stay on a fair even ratio on college admissions. Foe example MIT's 2012 fall admission student population whites only accounted 36 percent.

  15. In my opinion I believe that an affirmative action is a good way to set diversities in many colleges.Having the different types of college students makes the campuses more interesting.Besides this country was made by people coming over from other countries and making the United States Of America a very diverse country.You can also learn many types of cultures that you probably never really notice while you were in middle school or high school.

  16. affirmative action, by definition is racism. now because im white people will look at this and assume the worst, that what im saying is racism, and that i don't believe in equality. well let me tell you i do. that's why i don't support affirmative action. i think everyone's odds of getting into college should be based on their academics.

    the united states of America is the so called "land of opportunity" but when can you say that's true when one race has better opportunity to get into colleges and make a better future than another race? how can you have a land of equality without equality? you cant. affirmative action is against everything Americans stand for.

    again i want to state (for other students reading) im not racist, and i do not have these opinions because i am white, i don't think this is wrong because it decreases my chances in college. i don't support it because its wrong. our country is crumbling and falling apart at the seams. we live everyday in turmoil. things like this? treating one race better than another? DOES NOT HELP!.
    -zach meeink

  17. No, I don't think affirmative action is fair. I think it's racial discrimination, plain and simple, and goes against the most basic principles of a meritocratic society. That being said, law schools have the right to use whatever criteria they want when evaluating applicants and some think diversity is just as, if not more, important than grades and test scores.

    1. This is plagiarized from one of the answers on this Yahoo page:

  18. I think affirmative action in college admission is essential and is really important for student who try to get in college. I also feel that this action is racist. Everybody should always have the same equal right.

    Everybody should have an opportunity to go to college and achieve their goal. Some student grade aren't really good but they tries really hard to get in college. That doesn't mean they can't get in the college. They should have chance to pursuit their dream and success.

    In American, Everybody must have a same right, i think that all student shouldn't get accepted by their skin color or race. Having a diverse school with mixed all different people from different country is good for student to learn different things from other.

  19. I think affirmative action is not necessarily wrong, but I feel that it is not fair. Although this is helping the minorities I don't think a college should admit a person because of their race when another person has put in equally if not more work. I think everyone should be admitted based on their academics. Giving a person more credit than what they deserve, Although this might help them now, later in life it will not help them, therefore colleges should admit those based solely on their academics rather than race.

  20. While I do understand that affirmative action has its place(it being to even out the ethnicities so as not to be known as the school that's "predominantly white..." or what not),but colllege admissions should be based on academic peroformance and ability.Not worried about meeting a frickin' race quota! Hello-we are not girl scouts trying to sell a certain amount of cookies before a deadline!! Rather we are human beings who possess intelligence(some more than others...)and we have feelings-and we should be admitted based on our academic performance/success rather than our ethnicity.Point blank period.End of story!
