Monday, September 30, 2013

Free Speech in America

Prompt: Should the expressed views and protests of Westboro Baptist Church be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Read the following articles to help you formulate your position:

Then, construct your own argument with the following features (four total paragraphs):
  • Thesis Statement that clearly presents your position on this issue
  • Supporting Argument #1
  • Supporting Argument #2
  • Supporting Argument #3

Due Monday, Oct. 7 by 4:30pm.  


  1. Sierra Hall

    I believe that the family is protected by the 1st amendment freedom of speech. What they say may be offensive to some but they have the right to speak as they feel.

    The westboro church is not putting anybody at harm to be punished for what they say. If they fell as though soldiers should die for fighting for this country it is their right to feel that way. The 1st amendment says right to speech and assemble.

    People claim that because the protest was at a funeral of a soldier that it was wrong and they should be punished for that but as the article says the time, place and manner of the speech is permissible.

    lastly i feel like the westboro church shouldnt have to pay 11 million dollars because whats done is done. They said what they had to and it was their right to speak on it. Becuase a jury or a judge finds them offensive that dosent mean they should have to pay. The money wouldnt take back any words said or any damage done to that fathers feelings.

  2. In my opinion the Westboro family is protected by the first amendment even though what they said was cruel and offensive.

    Even though they shouldn't say things like that to others or even attempt to spread their so called "religion" they do have the right to speak what they believe in.

    An overview of the first amendment says "The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government." So people do have the right to express how they feel, and what they think about a religion.

    Also from they the overview its says "It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. It is part of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression." So the Westboro family does have the right to put up those signs and express themselves.

    Although I am against what they have put up and what they've said they do have the right to freedom of speech and expression .

    - Sambathany Hean

  3. I believe that the Westboro family dose have the right to speak their mind of whatever they wish to say but there is a limit of disrespect.

    And the Westboro cross the line. They picket at a family funeral while the family was grieving over member death that had defended and died for our country in Iraq. They did not show any morals of how their religion is not suppose to spread hate or judgment to his people but "himself".

    But no matter how much it pains me to accept the fact that the The Amendment dose protect their right to say and express their opinion.

    So with that note they are wrong and and insane people but still Americans non the less and are free to say whatever they please.Even if they don't consider this country their country.

    (crazy people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Nysha Johnson

  4. I strongly agree that the Phelps family have every right to speak their mind. I believe that this first amendment fully supports this freedom of speech; doesn't matter if it offends anyone or not.

    Even though they picket at a family funeral, the first amendment clearly states that the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of the right of the people to peaceably assemble.

    Sure, they sing songs, they hold up signs. And, sure, they might sound outrageous, but everyone have the right to speak their mind. That's why the amendment was stated in the first place. It was known that other people would think differently of certain situations.

    I didn't see any violence being performed at their picket. On the contrary, others sent them hateful letters, broke their car window, and sued them for eleven million dollars. And, what will the money repair? They already stated what they wanted to say. Even thought they lost their case, they've become famous for what they've done, and they'll keep on doing it.

    Even though we might not agree to what they believe, by law, they are not prohibited from speaking their mind.

    -Ruth Fraticelli

  5. I think the westboro family should not be protect by the first amendment. because I believe every law has a limit and the westboro family is going to far.

    They say "thank God for dead soldiers",I mean the soldiers sacrifice themselfs for all your people's safety.You not even thanks for what they had done for you and your talk about all this harmful thing to hurt their family members.

    The first amendment had mention that there is freedom of speech and freedom of religion but I think that people who had create this amendment believes that the base of all religion is to encourage people to be a good person and spread love.

    I also thinks that they just want to be different then others,so that they could get people's attention and be famous.

    So I believe they should stop doing things like that to harm others.

    -Qingxia Lin

  6. I my opinion I feel that the first amendment has protected this family although I know they say really cruel things but its America. Its their freedom to say anything they like or do whatever they want to protest or not.

    They shouldn't have said these cruel things to the soldier that is dead for this country sake and to their family such as these words "thank god for dead soldiers"" Are being punish by god". He is dead and his family would want him to go peacefully.

    Also I think they deserve to paid 11 million dollars for saying these things and they shouldn't spread hate. If they want to spread then they should spread love and peace.

    Even though only it was cause they only speak of what their thinking and spread their feelings inside themselves but still can't they not be haters of "fags". Its their personal life if they want to become one these.

    - Doris Luu

  7. Personally, the expressed views and protest of Westboro Baptist Church should not be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment to the United Stated Constitution.

    First of all,the opinion of the Westboro's Baptist Church is really offensive,even though, the First Amendment States that everybody is free to say what they want no body has the right to harass others just because they feel like they want to.

    Secondly, the Westnoro's Baptist Church is harming others mentally and physically. Because they are basically content that someone had died this harm the family in a way is like making fun of the misfortune of others.This can led the family like the father of the guy wanting to died too because in general the lost of someone in your family is really painful.

    This is why the Baptist church pastors opinion should not
    be free speech as the First Amendment in the constitution states.

    -Diana Cruz

  8. The Westboro Baptist Church should be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, even though that harsh and bad things was said about the soldiers who died and homosexuals.

    It is protected by the First Amendment because the First Amendment let Americans say what they want when they want to speak. So in the Westboro Baptist Church defense they did no harm to anyone but saying what was on there mind. When and where they spoke was not a good time though.

    It is also protect by the First Amendment because first it not protected by one jugde then later is was over ruled by a more powerful jugde saying it is protected by it.

    Lastly it is protected by the First Aendment beacuse the things they said did nothing bad to anybody. If people was hurt by what the Westboro Bastist Chruch they shouldn't be because the Westboro Chruch did not break the law and spoke there words just like the First Admendment let them.

    Therefor the Westboro Basptist Church is protected by the First Admentmend.

    Johnny Chhay

  9. In my opinion, I think that the members in the Westboro Baptist Church is protected by the First Amendment.

    They're consider a speech that they had in mind, and they decide to share it aloud to everyone to know.

    They're activities are protected by the law that was made by the U.S. They have the rights to publicly speak out, and the law didn't say anything about whether the speech can be harsh or not.

    Even though what they're doing are wrong, they still are able to say stuff what they want. They're able to say what they want, it doesn't matter if its harsh, sexual or anything offensive. If the people that are offended by what they say, the law should be more specifically.

    Angeline Low

  10. I believe that the Phelps family from Westboro Baptist Church have a right to say what they want. The first amendment gives the Phelps family the right to speak even if they acted in a disrespectful manner. They honestly should keep things to themselves but since the law protects them they can’t really be shut down because they already attracted a lot of people, and they already got their words and meaning out to the community.
    Even though the Phelps family ranted about their religion and chanting with the signs they still have the right to say what they want. They said very cruel things like “God hates us all, and Thank God for dead soldiers.”
    The Phelps family was disrespectful during a family funeral but they are protected by the first amendment because of the peaceably assembly they had at the funeral. Even though it was disrespectful other people can’t really do anything about it. They have the right to keep ranting and say what they believe. We don’t have to believe what they say but some people do take it offensively.
    The good thing is that they don't have any fights during this rant. This could be a bigger problem than it already. Luckily there was no death or murder from this event. People in the end have the right to say what they want and we should just choose to ignore these people.

    Stephen Taing

  11. I believe the protesters of the Westboro Baptist Church is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution even though i know they really say something mean.

    Sure, i know they did something awful, offensive, like did a speech
    about "how God hate every fags", made a song and sign about that.But,
    they did not disturb the public, or did violence thing.

    Some say, they did some disturbing thing, like went to the soldier funeral. alright, did they ruin the funeral? NO! They just dis some speech and held some sign, even though i know they spread hatred.

    Lastly, It's up to the family soldier to either hear the speech or just simply ignored them, because all the protesters did just doing some speech.

    The protesters did not really do something wrong, therefore they protected by the amendment.

    Malvin H. Wijaya

  12. I hate to say it but the west boro Baptist church has the right to express there views on any topic as for as freedom of speech. I'm not agreeing with what they are saying but from a constitutional view point it is protected. Now with this may come different types of opinions from different people. These people will not agree with their views on things because the west boro Baptist church has gone about in the wrong way. Conflict can occur these people are not only expressing there views but they are terrorizing certain people they hold accountable for things. Lawsuits can also occur because some of the things these people say and do are not appropriate. So with all of these things it is ingredients to say that these people cannot do that but the Constitution States that they can.

    In fact there had been several incidents were the church has gonna to falling soldiers funeral and touted the family. They've either burned the flag or started fights with people of the opposite sex because they simply disapprove. Certainly these acts are wrong and I believe that they should be arrested or thrown in jail. For me it's the careless act of regard and lack of humility that they show. As if they do not care because they are doing nothing wrong.

    There had been debates overt this issue because sometimes things can get out of hand because of what was said. Should these people be allowed to say these vicious words, these threatening hateful mean cruel words. In my opinion no because it not only promotes reckless behavior but the impact of these words leaves pain in the Heart of the victim it was replaced on to. Every one is different when people come to your son or daughter funeral and cheering because he or she has passed away we don't know what that does to a poison mentally emotionally or even physiological it another burden that they have to deal with and because the Constitution gives them the right to say these things it is something they cannot fight against.

    To summarize this little opinion of mine these acts of the west boro Baptist church are completely wrong. There should be another way to fight against these words but there is not. The Constitution protects them to day weensy ever they want but when your destroying others lives by these words and causing Conflict with others for no reason besides their personal beliefs there should be something that challenges them and counter acts there right to say things that effect people in hurtful ways.

  13. "Thank God for Dead Soldiers!” many protestant yelled at the funeral of a passed away navy soldier. This action brought many tension and satisfaction, which many people view as Freedom of Speech. The family that was offended failed suing the protestant. Due to the Freedom of Speech, public figures may not sue for emotional distress inflicted by offensive magazine articles, unless the articles are not just offensive but include statements that fall within the “false statements of fact” exception. Meaning, lying about someone’s reputation just to defame them. I too, have to shamefully agree to the fact that it is part of the Freedom of Speech.

    The first amendment writes “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Therefore, burning the flag of the United States, marching in Nazi regalia in a city populated by Holocaust survivors, and insinuating that a pastor had incestuous relations with his mother in an outhouse, falls right in to the rights of the first amendment. As long as not giving ant false statements, the freedom of speech is permitted.

    Freedom of petition protects the right to communicate with government officials. Petitioning the courts by filing lawsuits, unless the court concludes that the lawsuit clearly lacks any legal basis. In other words, they have the rights to make complaints to, or seek the assistance of, one's government, without fear of punishment or revenge. So the protestant have the rights to seek help without harm.

    The most important action though, is that they did not physically hurt and harm their reputation. The protestant just wanted to spread the word that they dislike people who go against god. It’s simply the Freedom of Speech.

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  15. I believe the protesters of the Westboro Baptist Church are protected by the first amendment of the United States Constitution even though they acted in a disrespectful manner and what they said was cruel and offensive.

    The first amendment gives freedom of speech and free exercise of religion. Even though they have gone this far and getting out of control, they are still protected by the first amendment of constitution. They are not physically violated to anybody.
    There is much different kind of people that they agree or disagree to this protesting. That’s why there is a law for FREEDOM OF SPEECH and it gives the right for their speech even it is harmful to others.

    Although I do not agree or support this family, I believed that the first amendment still protected them. If the family members are arrested or give punishment by the judge, that’s mean the freedom of speech is not free and the laws are just nothing

  16. Westboro Church has all the rights to speak. that's what the First Amendment is for, it states that you have the all mighty right to say and speak your beliefs. Westboro, as a group, should speak what their faith tells them. Also, they can persuade people with harsh messages that is going to be broadcast through out our nation. But even if they say crazy things, the courts upholds their right to communicate the offensive message.

    Westbor Church is going to far with what they're doing. It includes highly offensive language and obnoxious views of the country. They burn our nations flag and say hurtful, and hateful things at the funeral of our fallen soldiers. The ignorance is what makes it wrong for what they are trying to give out to the public. Also they use the term "we hate fags" at every protest demonstration in there community, that offends people.

    I strongly feel that the Westboro Church members are crazy and have mental issues. They hate everything the United State does, so why hate on something when your being protected by the First Amendment that people die for, like our Soldiers. I feel that we should shun those of the Westboro Church. We should take what they say with a grain of salt, which is so small and when you look at it, its not even worth considering. But always keep your eyes on them because they are up to no good.

  17. I strongly believe that the Westboro Church have NO RIGHTS to speak for their beliefs and feelings due to First Amendment because whatever they're saying over here is hurting other people's feelings and to me hurting someone's feelings is a CRIME & SIN.

    These people don't even deserve to live because they're not humans yet, they're wild hogs because they can't see that every human being is equal and have the same feelings as others. These ignorant people are stating that "God Hates Fag" like what do you mean by that??????? If you were a human being you wouldn't say that because you'll understand that every one is equal because god made you.

    As you can see that these people are pulling innocent kids in this cruel and offensive trap where the kids doesn't even know that difference between good and bad. The First Amendment states that "prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press". yeah yeah we know that first amendment lets every human being have the right to speak, but you have the right speak where it makes sense, its not nonsense and clearly doesn't hurt anyones feelings.

    In conclusion, I strongly believe that the Westboro Church HAVE NO RIGHT to talk trash behind someone because if they do I will smack them in their face where they will learn how to respect any homosexual person and agree to believe that every human being is the same. These people should get eaten by a bunch of wolves to me.

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  19. Although, the 1st amendment gives the freedom of speech; I think there should be a limit and that the Westboro Baptist Church passes beyond that limit. Freedom of speech can only be used if it does not offend one religion or beliefs, when it is not causing chaos, and showing disrespect to our country.
    People should be able to live in peace without the feeling of inferior or rage because of someone who is trash-talking their religion or belief. Religion and belief plays a huge role in America, since we are so diverse. They have no right to discriminate one belief.
    Their message causes chaos. It caused people to fight back. We don’t need any more violence in our country. If it was a peaceful rally it wouldn’t be a major issue, but in this case it’s kind of hard to ignore.
    They are not just discriminating one belief, but they are also discriminating our home; their home. It makes our country looks bad. If they despise their homeland so much, why are they still living here?

  20. Ugh, crap...I think the expressed views and protest of the Westboro Baptist Church should be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The First Amendment guarantees the right of free expression, freedom of speech,religion ect...

    So what if they say something offensive it shouldn't really matter,that's pretty much what freedom of speech and the right of free expression is,I mean what's the point of making the First Amendment if people are gonna get all butt-hurt about it?No matter how offensive or cruel what they're saying is, they should have the right to express how they feel.If not what's the point of making The First Amendment,if they are limits to what you can say than how is it freedom of speech?

    To be honest I don't really care who they're hurting, I mean we have the right to say whatever we want too so we can say some things that can offend them,or we can just ignore it.And them brainwashing their kids aren't really any of our business anyways,if they were smart than they wouldn't let them make them think what they think; people say they hate fags all the time...I don't see why people are getting offended when the members of the Westboro Baptist Church says "God hates fags"

    Eh, God isn't even real anyways, so I don't think people should get offended when they say things like "Thank god for dead soldiers" or "God hates fags" and "Anal sex is awesome". Okay they really didn't say that last part but I thought it would be funny if I put that there ya know because the first amendment allows me too.But seriously,even if you do believe in a God it still shouldn't offend you because if you know your god isn't really that much of a horrible person and your god doesn't want dead soldiers and stuff than you shouldn't get mad when these guys say it, somethings obviously are wrong with these people so people shouldn't be so angry about the stuff they say...Anyways The First amendment still protects their speech under the United States Constitution.So they have the right to say whatever they want...I suck at writing...

    -Andrew White e_e

  21. Evynn Pendergrass.

    Westboro church should not be protected by freedom of speech. Not only is the church outrageously disrespectful, they defy the law.

    The first amendment states that people are allowed to peacefully assemble. However, I see nothing “peaceful” about their protests. They use slurs against homosexuals freely, and are verbally abusive. That is not peaceful. Also, they defame the the religion of Christianity by making all Christians appear as raging zealots.

    Also, American court has recognized the right to a proper burial. We even buried Osama Bin Laden, who was America’s enemy, properly and even took his religion into respect. His burial was protected, so I do not understand why a fallen hero’s burial is not respected. It is unpatriotic to let Westboro protest a fallen soldiers funeral. Actually, the right to a proper burial is recognized as common law. Having protesters slandering the name of the grieving family and a fallen soldier is not allowing a proper, peaceful and protected burial. Technically, Westboro church is breaking the law.

    Lastly, the freedom of speech is limited. The Supreme Court has rejected an interpretation of speech without limits. When looking at the limitations of freedom of speech, the court looks at these aspects: Clear/Present Danger, Fighting Words, Libel and Slander, Obscenity, Conflict with Legitimate Social and Government Interest and Time,Place and Manner. Westboro is the epitome of obscenity by constantly using slurs. Also, as I stated previously, they slander the name of the Christianity by damaging and defaming the reputation of an organization. Overall, they are abusing the freedom of speech.

  22. In my point of view, Westboro Baptist Church's protesters have their right to say what they beliefs even thought their action is little too far, using inappropriate language, offensive, hurting some people feeling and etc. but it under first amendment which is freedom for speech.

    Although, They have freedom to speech but it should be a limit to it. They using rough messages and ignore words and going out to public and soldier's funeral holding signs saying "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIER" i think this is so wrong because they're protected our country and died for us.

    As you can see in the video they're influence innocent kids to say all these offensive words and stuff but they didn't even know what did they talking about. This action is ignorance and disrespect to our nation and our Americans.

    I strongly believe that Westboro Baptist Church should stop their action even though they don't have problem with people in that events, harm people, break any laws and etc. I think they would never stop doing this because they have their right. So i think we should ignore these peoples,.

  23. What the freak is wrong with these people. The fact that they are forcing their outrageous beliefs of insanity upon their kids is the worst part of this whole situation. Their children don't even know what is going on, their going to grow up wondering why everyone hates them, like seriously why would you put your children in danger like that. I understand that by the Constitution they have the right to say what they believe in, they have the freedom of speech but with limitations.

    Freedom of speech have cause many great things for many people but this is really utterly shameful. I mean I couldn't care less about what they believe in but do they have to force other people into believe their beliefs. How dare they have the audacity to protest outside a funeral saying ridiculous things such as "Thank God for Dead Soldiers", that is way beyond disrespectful. I wonder how they would of felt if they lost a son or a daughter, would they be saying the same thing.

    I see nothing peaceful about this at all, they are causing emotional dispute like seriously, this family is so messed up in so many ways, I think they need God help more than anyone out there. I honestly don't believe in verbal abuse and harassment but they put it upon themselves, the only person I feel bad for is their children.

    These people are crazy and I can't believe they even have followers, no wonder foreigners think us Americans are so ignorant, we truly are, these people are just setting a bad example of us Americans. They need help!

    -Emily Nguyen

  24. In my opinion, protesters have their rights to say what they want. According to the US law, the first amendment, everyone has the freedom of speech.

    The first amendment states that people are allowed to peacefully assemble. However, I see nothing “peaceful” about their protests. They use slurs against homosexuals freely, and are verbally abusive. That is not peaceful. Also, they defame the the religion of Christianity by making all Christians appear as raging zealots.

    Even though they have the freedom of speech, I believe that they should be limited. Because harmful speeches can harm people. They use mean words towards the soldiers that died to save our country.

    I believe that Westboro Baptist Church should stop what they are doing even though they don't have problem with people in that events. I think they will never stop until someone or something came up and keep them away from doing it. I think we should just ignore these people.


  25. The basic rights of people were taken by the British empire from the american people such as raise tax aginst the people's will. That would be the main reason why we can speak freely today in united states. From history and experience tells that laws changes in time, time changes the world slowly we cant understand the importance of surrounding until the moment we lost it. The Westboro Baptist Church is taking the advantage of a time leap and abused it. Form the point of view in law, there is nothing wrong with the action done by the westboro baptist church, but its a few hundred years old.

    If there is a law than its to prevent something, but in time such the racial law, were changed due to the effect on people and the world. Base on the events on freedom of speech , this is silmler to the civil rights movement during the 1960s when the action allowed by law is offending majority of the population.

    The word of westboro baptist church, pose a lot of silmlerty to the nazis during the 1930s . Where the nazis isoate the jews, westboro baptist church speak against the homosexuals. Too did the first amendment protect freedom of practice any type of beliefs, but can history repeat it self?
    In order to prevent the negative action, and to justify law. Changing the problem can prove most effective

  26. First of all wesboro baptist church people said that god hates the soldiers that's why he killed them, they don't have the right to speak in the name of god , they are not messengers that god sent to us -_-!
    second of all they crossed the line by kicking the U.S flag and playing with it like it's a soccer ball and whats driving me more crazy that they are teaching their childrens word that they don't even know what does it mean even me don't know what does it mean that's not right at all.
    they also crossed the line by going to the soldiers funeral and start shouting and screaming saying god hates u thats why you all died,these people have no sense of mercy.
    those people have some really serious mental issues they to consult a doctor if they don't want to do it the government have to force them or at least charge them because if they ain't going to find a solution this will spread out over the whole country

  27. Westboro baptist church use their right in the first amendment for free speech. But in this case, they were crossed the limit. Their act were very disrespectful and caused a chaos.

    You should respect soldiers, they fight for the country, they fight to protect you, they died for you. You can't said "soldiers go to hell", that was cruel and very disrespectful. Not only their word, they also attack the car that the soldier's families.

    Then, they also said that bible describe hate. I always know god loves everybody in this world, it's include America. God always said love your enemy, and forgive and love them, god never said to hate them.

    They also taught their kid about it. Kids don't have to related in a protest. Their emotion still growing, if you told them about hate and all negative stuff, they might have an abnormal thought and emotion. They even don't know and don't understand what they doing.

  28. unfortunately i believe the hate speech the west borrow baptist church spews out is covered by the first amendment. they are sorry excuses for human beings that make me physically sick. their presence in the world makes me weep for the future. i will never consider them full human being because they lack basic components such as free thinking and empathy.

    the first amendment gives you the right to assemble and peacefully protest. both of which the westboro baptist church are doing. they are not insinuating riots or attacking individuals. unless something else happens they will be able to continue their messages across the united states.

    the term "offensive" is in the eyes of the beholder. what is offensive to you may not be offensive to others. even a word that could seriously hurt others, wouldnt make other flinch. its all about perspective. the supreme court must hold a nuetrality with situations like this.

  29. It is essential that the hate speech the members of the Westboro Baptist church expel should be protected by the first amendment . Allowing the government to sensor their speech could potentially effect the freedom of speech that the rest of us enjoy.

    If the government punished the Westboro Baptist church for their actions it could restrict the freedom of speech that every person in the U.S. has. All protest even peaceful one could be in jeopardy. If we could argue now that their speech is harmful and counter productive and let a law pass that effects freedom of speech then anything we say that someone consider hurtful could put us in trouble with the law.

    The Westboro Baptist church's ridiculous protests are legal and have been proven to be legal in court a few times. silencing these people would be going against the amendment that help shaped this beautiful white washed country. If we don't remember our roots who knows how fast this country will spiral out of control.

    The Westboro Baptist church is a reminder that no matter how far we come there will always be a presence of evil in the world. For there to be good in the world this evil must exists and the first amendment protects both sides. If this right is taken away from evil then it can also be taken away from the good. Just because we don't agree with the message doesn't give us the right to silence them and vice versa.

  30. The First Amendment gives the right of speech,but it does not give the right of to cruelly call Americans ''Fags".Or going into funerals not having any respect for the families.Causing them physical stress and more.The Baptist church also include their children's to hate on Americans.

    In the first amendment it is clearly said that we have freedom of speech,and without hurting the first amendment ,there is the right to speak freely about matters of public ceremony .Not free to hijack a family's private funeral as a vehicle for expression of their own hate.So there is to say that nothing in the first amendment says otherwise.

    Moreover,the Baptist Church has invaded funerals .Causing these families severe psychological problems and physical stress.Laws of safeguarding from disruptive protests are consistent with the first amendment.They are so called "religious" using Gods name in their mouth making him seem that he is a bad God.

    God,is love not hate and for them to say that god hates America and that they are going to hell.What they are doing is even worst .Teaching their children to hate is only going to damage them all just like the parents.

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  32. I don't think that the people of West Borough Baptist Church should be protected by the first amendment. Freedom of speech should not be used to degrade people! In my eyes they're using the first amendment as an excuse to ridicule and harass people. For example ,they're saying discriminatory things about homosexuals. Just because some people may not live their lives the way you see fit, doesn't give you the right to harass or degrade them! Also, the fact that they're feeding this venom to their children, makes this all the more disturbing!
    For example, one of their sons said that "you could say a fag is a Jew pretty much"-that is not only discriminatory in regards to sexuality but also to race! These people are saying things about people that they 1)have no right to say! 2)have no proof of whatsoever(if they can show me where it says{be it in the bible or the constitution}-that you can harass and hurt people, then I may have an ounce of respect for you-but they don't! and 3)nobody has to answer to you!
    The fact that they are going to funerals of those who've died in the military! I mean-c'mon! Have a heart! These people have lost their children, and all they can say is "God hates you!...or America is doomed!" No disrespect, but no wonder people want to attack them and fight them-they are being utterly disrespectful and not to mention cruel!
    I understand that people are going to say what they want to say, without any regard for how their words affect other people but that just went to far! It's one thing to put how they feel out on the internet but it's another to picket the funeral of the deceased's family. That is sad-it's sad that people have to stoop that low to hurt people's feelings. If they want to voice their opinions, fine go ahead. But at least have enough common sense and compassion to do it in a way that will not degrade others or defame their character. From this video ,it shows that they lack compassion ,respect ,and the guts to even treat people with common decency.
    In conclusion, I do not believe that the people of the West Borough Baptist Church should be protected by the first amendment. I understand that we have the right to express ourselves verbally but it should NEVER EVER be done in a way to degrade , humiliate ,or harass people. I appreciate and respect the first amendment(and those who created it) as well as what it stands for, but these people have GONE TOO FAR! Everybody has a unique mind-but obviously they have LOST IT!

    (My attitude at the end of it all: when the nonsense starts to make sense...Houston we got problems!)

  33. I don't think that the people of west borough baptist church should be protected by the first amendment. Although people should have the right to say what they want, they shouldn't be allowed to put others down. I feel as though their words should be considered verbal abuse and be fined for large sums of money. The way I view this situation is if people get in-trouble for social bullying and teenagers get in-trouble for arguing or disrespecting a person, where does it go to say that a person can freely speak upon weather a person should be punished for being homosexual, or a "fag." as a person living in the united states I feel that if a person can speak however they want, they should also be able to be whoever and whatever they want also. In conclusion, they were wrong and need to be stopped.

  34. Well I personally don't agree with what the people of the views of the westboro church but legal they have a reasonable argument because they were took to court before and won. The first amendment clearly states that "congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion' or prohibiting the exercise thereof; or of the press of peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    On one hand they are expressing their personal views through speech; and on the other hand the are not expressing their views in a conduct that is or peaceful. If I was to go in a abortion clinic and picketed outside of it i'm not breaking the law in any way ; but if I got to an private abortion clinic and cursed out the doctor and threatened him then i'm breaking the law.

    If the members of the westboro Baptist church doesn't as they don't affect the speech of other people they are not breaking the law as long as they express themselves in a peaceful manor. So yea that's why I think that the views of the westboro Baptist church should be protected by the first amendment. -Shamp Fields

  35. I believe that the Westboro baptist church is protected by the first amendment because as offensive as their beliefs may be it's still their beliefs and they do have the right to exercise it how ever they want as long as someone isn't getting physically hurt.

    No I don't think what they're saying is right in any way at all but they still have a right to say whatever they want. You cannot deprive a person of their rights just because it's "mean" or it hurts a couple of feelings. If that were the case then you shouldn't be allowed to spread any of your beliefs or anything you think about any situation because the first amendment should apply to all not some.

    I do think they should be banded from certain areas of protest especially if the owners are offended by their protest because as property owners, you can exercise that right but if not then they should have the right to protest sadly. In all I believe that their protest should be protected by the first amendment.
