Monday, November 12, 2012

The Resignation of General David Petraeus

For starters, watch this video.

Having watched that, make an argument for whether or not Petraeus should have resigned. Was it necessary given the potential security risk? Or should his personal life not impact his professional life?

Please use at least two examples from the video (or any additional articles you may choose to read) to support your argument.

Make sure you publish your post (with your name) by 4:30pm on Friday.


  1. I don't think David Patraeus should have resigned his position as a CIA director. I do not think it was necessary even if it was has a potential security risk. Patraeus has made some bad decisions but this does not mean he is a bad person. As mentioned in the video he is human and humans make mistakes. I also believe that even if he resigns, people look up to him and see that he is a great leader and has done magnificent things even if he made wrong decisions. Having an affair is wrong and it shouldn't happen, especially when you are married. His personal life should not be affected with his professional life because it is two different things and should not distract one another from the main task.
    Also the video says that Patraeus has been feeling a lot of stress from being a CIA director and he was lured in by temptation to relieve himself by having an affair. Over all I believe he shouldn't have resigned his position but let people know that he has done wrong but will prove in the future that it will not happen again.

    Stephen Taing

  2. I don't think Patraeus should have to leave his job because he had an affair. What he does in his personal life should not affect his career because lots of people looked up to him and he was a leader to many. From what i seen he was good at his good and everybody makes mistakes every now and then because we are only human but he should not have to suffer by losing his job because of it. i feel as though that should be handled between him and his wife not his boss or work partners. So he shouldn't have resigned he should've continued his job as a CIA director and people shouldn't have judged him because of his mistakes because plenty other people make similar mistakes which we can only learn from.

    -Zaire Holmes

  3. I personally think he did the right think to resign. One of the articles I've read said that "some say may indicate she was privy to sensitive information." By knowing some of the CIA's plans or information. Just like the Benghazi scandal. His biographer had responded to a question about the Benghazi scandal that no one had known. By doing this she had put risk into him and the CIA by possibly leaking national security secret. He probably had said more things to his biographer that would affect him,his family, and the CIA. Why would someone just resign from one of the important jobs because of an affair? So just to be safe, I think it was best to resign.


  4. I think David Petraeus should have resigned from his job as CIA director. Even the man who considered him as a national hero acknowledged the affair and said "Extremely poor judgment", and "Such behavior is unacceptable". I agree with this statement because if he can not became a faithful husband to his wife, then how can he be faithful to the country whose he had all country's secrets. He could leak the secret to his affair, Paul Broadwell. That is why I think he should resigned


  5. i dont think Patraeus should have resigned because like some of my classmates said his personal life shouldnt effect his work aspect. In the video people talk about how he was a leader and a decent mad, he did his job great. Him having an affair doesnt interfere with his job as long as he keeps his mistress in the pleasue category and not tell her any of his CIA business. Also a man in the video says how he could be black mailed about having an affair if he didnt tell, well that cant reallly happen now because its all out in the open so there would be nothing to black mail him about. His wie and the nation knows about the affair so there wouldnt be a problem in the category.
    so as far as i see it although an affair is a bad choice in judgement Patraeus shouldnt have to resign because his work and his personal life are seperated.

    _Sierra Hall

  6. Even though, in my opinion Petraeus should not be judge because just as, Jesus express "if you are free from sin then throw the first stone". The right thing to do is to resigned because according to the video if he had an affair, and cheat on her wife people are not going to trust him anymore this effects his professional life ,since he is supposed to be a role model for others people are going to look at his mistakes not his accomplishments. Clearly, people are always think wrong about him so he is not going to live in peace for a long time at least.

    -Diana Cruz

  7. I strongly believe that Patraeus' decision on stepping down from his job was a very smart decision. Even though it was very unmoral of him to cheat on his wife. Even though your personal life shouldn't be so entwined with your job/career, he still admitted his error and stepped down. I believe that he needs time to settle his personal life first, because everyone will be speaking about it. He needs to "hide" for a moment, regain his strength, and wait for the storm to pass. Then, when he's ready to come out to the world, he can go out there and do what he does best.
    -ruth fraticelli

  8. I think that it was a right choice for Patraeus to resign himself from his position , because he needs to take time off of his job to take care of his personal life .If he would have kept his position while his personal life is unraveling to the open public is would be very difficult for him to concentrate on whats important which is to fix his marriage.I know that your personal life and professional life should be seperated but they should both model good. If you do good in your job and out in the amount of hours to be the best you can be. you should also do that in your marriage to be the best spouse of your capability . And he did that for his job but not his love life with his wife since he cheated on her.
    So im happy that he resign thats the best thing he can do for himself.

    Nysha Johnson

  9. I believe he did the right thing and resigned because it was a potential security risk and if he continued to be the director of the CIA and continue to be seeing that women who he have had the affair with, he could even make more mistakes and leak information to her, which she may say or tell someone by accident or something. Also given the stress of being director of the CIA and him being only human, you never know if he might make a mistake again. It isn't always true that you shouldn't let your personal life affect your professional life or vice versa. Henry Ariyakham

  10. I think that Petraeus did the right thing to resign as a CIA director. I believe it was because it was risky thing that Petraeus. This effected both his professional and personal life by putting his family in danger if he would have kept the job because people could have threaten his family. It also could have been used to blackmail him. Even though he made that one mistake it effected both his personal and professional together, so it was a good thing he resigned.

    Johnny Chhay

  11. I think that he did the right choice to resign. Because keeping the job will make him see the girl more often, so resigning will help him away from her. It is kinda down fall on resigning on a good position of the job but leaving because of the affair was the best choice for him. This may affect his Professional life because that was his long term job and he has to quit for it, which kinda sucks but keeping his married relationship was a better term for him


  12. I think that his personal life shouldn't affect his working life. Even though how affair's with the lady were and all he is still a devoted hard working man. But yes he does need time away from her because they might I've kept on having an affair. And he also needs some home time with his family. I think that it was a good choice to resign but he is still a devoted general.

    - Sambathany Hean . Home slice .
