Monday, October 22, 2012

Digging a Hole...

Scenario: You are offered a full-time job with the following description:

For the first six hours of the day, you must dig a very deep hole with a shovel and a pick (you do get a 30 minute lunchbreak around noon).  For the final two hours you must fill it back in.  It is grueling work.  You repeat this process every working day, and always on the same plot of ground.  The hours are 8am-4pm, the pay is very good (100k), with annual raises and performance bonuses, excellent health insurance, weekends and major holidays off, as well as three weeks of paid vacation time.  If you accept this job, you must agree to work it until you are aged 62; failure to do so will result in a prison sentence until you are of retirement age. 

Do you take this job?  Why or why not? 

Structure your answer as follows:
  1. Thesis Statement that clearly identifies your position
  2. Body Paragraph #1 that supports your thesis 
  3. Body Paragraph #2 that supports your thesis
  4. Body Paragraph #3 that supports your thesis
  5. Conclusion that restates your thesis and reflects back on the issue

Due Friday by 4:30pm 


  1. I do not want to take this job and will never want to take it.
    The reason I do not want to take this job is because i hate a grueling work.
    I also easily get bored with something, well everybody will eventually get bored if you do the same thing repeatedly at the same time and the same spot everyday. That reason will make us do the job poorly. and even though, the pay is very good (100k), with annual raises and performance bonuses, excellent health insurance, weekends and major holidays off, as well as three weeks of paid vacation time, one day we will get bored ,failed and do not want to this job ever again. It's like you eat the same food over and over again everyday for like 1 month. You will likely don't want to eat that food again right? or maybe don't even want to see that food..Anyway, if i fail, and most likely i will fail, i will go to prison until my aged is 63. It's a no no.
    I also have to fill the hole again for the last 2 hours. It's like I achieve something by my own hard work and I throw what that away. It will make me really frustrated.
    All of that reasons make me don't want to take the job.

    By: Malvin H. Wijaya

  2. I would not take this digging job. I mean the pay is good and all but its not all about money. To have a job that i would stay at until im 62 requires me to like it and i hate everything about this job. for one i dont like to get dirty. For two i have a bad back and i wouldnt be digging and puttin dirt back. Also i wouldnt want to work considering i dont know why we are doing that anyways it seems pointless and a waste of time so i wouldnt do it. I just dont like the conditions of this job for me to stay there that long and i wouldnt go to prison because i quit. This jobe just wouldnt work for me becuase of the type of person i am. I have standards.So no i would not like to take this job.

  3. In this case, I will not want to take this job even if they pay very good, with annual raises and performance bonuses, excellent health insurance, wekeends and major holidays off, as well as three weeks of paid vacation time for the following reasons.

    First of all,it is a grueling work, and I do not think I am physically put up for that job. I think I would pass out after a month of working at that job.

    Secondly, If you accept this job, you must agree to work it until you are aged 62; failure to do so will result in a prison sentence until you are of retirement age. I do not want to work all my life digging holes i want to go to college and have a career.

    Lastly, failure to do so will result in a prison sentence until you are of retirement age.i know that im not going to stay with that job until i am 62 so i do not want to go to prison for that.

    -Diana Cruz

  4. This full time job offered to me is a good offer. I believe however this is not worth the effort to be put because there is a lot of risk that could result in a bad life during the end of your 60’s, and that it is not interesting because of the routine daily is very rigorous and boring. Your body will be too weary after you are done with the job and you would not be able to enjoy the rest of your life. You could be in massive pain and stress which is something I would not want to have. I think I would not be able to do this job because it is something I am not interested in and that it would be miserable and tortuous with doing the same routine daily.
    The risks that are present when doing this are high and could be deadly. You could get a heart illness because of the rigorous work you put in and the amount of work your heart does to pump oxygen and blood will be devastating to your body. Your bones and muscle will be weary and could be vulnerable to things later in life. You put a lot of strain everywhere in your body when digging a hole and the strength being outputted is immense. Doing this job is not worth the pain and stress on your body which could result in death.
    Doing a job also means you must enjoy it. Digging a hole has no excitement to most people and that you should strive for something you enjoy even though it doesn’t give as much pay or benefits as this digging job does. If you agree to this job you must agree to work till you are 62 years old. This is a long time and will probably just blow your mind. Also if you don’t complete your task you will have to go to prison till the age of retirement.
    The choices you choose you will give something negative from it. If you go to prison it will be a long time and be just as torturous as digging up a hole. The only way is to just not take this job and go beyond this and do something better for yourself. Doing something of your interest will make you happy and give you a less stressful life. 8 hours of work is devastating and you want to be able to have longer break than 30 minutes, you should have a flexible job and be able to accommodate to events that occur during your work time such as picking up your child from school or go to family meetings, etc.
    This job is definitely not worth your time and effort because you need to put good work and effort to something that can’t make a difference in the world. Digging up a hole in the ground doesn’t change anything but taking the dirt off the ground. Happiness will not come from this job because even though you get a lot of money doesn’t mean that you won’t be torturous doing this job. There are many opportunities in the world that are open to you. You just need to look for them instead of looking straight and taking a job like digging a hole. Try to be a doctor or open a business do something productive. You are better off in life without this job and will live a good retirement life with peace and prosperity

    By: Stephen Taing

  5. I would not take this job. No matter how good the oay is, or any of the benefits. I wouldn't take it, and this is why.

    First, I'm not a robot. I'm a human. Working hours and hours digging a hole, it causes body injuries. I get tired and sore. How am I supposed to live up to be 50 if I'm torturing my body with rough labour.

    Second, I get sick. If I get sick, I'd need to take time off. I can't come to the job and make others sick. I can't control the weather or my health. Going to prison for missing a day is just barbaric.

    And lastly, I wouldn't take the job because I'm not planning on working until I'm sixty two. I'll age faster, I know. And it's not healthy.

    These are the reasons why I wouldn't take this job, no matter how good it is. My health is more worth than my wealth.

    Ruth Fraticelli

  6. Okay, So the job does seem like a very easy job & you will receive a lot of money quickly. But the job has many cons about it. There's many problems you can receive and it's basically taking your life away. You have no life with this job but you'll have money.

    First off, more then 60 years is crazy, & digging in a hole in the SAME SPOT For that many years is DUMB. You only get less then an hour for break & within 2 hours you have to refill the hole with the same dirt. You can also receive some bad health problems because your basically breathing dirt every second your in the hole. You'll have no life sitting in a hole all day of your 60 something years of age & you'll never meet anymore.

    The good things about this job, is that you can receive a lot of money. You can also receive a good house & such but you can't really use your money if your stuck in a hole all day. I think doing this job you can also get a good muscular arms by doing this job for years.

    The pros & cons of this jobs are various. Many things can benefit you & many things can not benefit you. It's like life or death job depending on you. The job does seem pretty FANTASTIC, but It is DEATHLY. The money will catch your mind, but the job will kill your soul.



  7. The job is good, the pay is fantastic but for me I would not be able to do this kind of work, eventually I'll get too weak to do the work after my 30s and I'll be sentenced to prison like darn, I do not want that prison sentence, like "Noooo don't take me away". It'll be a shame to be put away into a cop car to be taken to jail in front of my wife and kids in my pajamas and stuff.
    As the job also pays well, still not a job I think anyone will take, think of it really, sure the health insurance is good but I bet digging that hole will cause many more health problems that can actually be fixed with today's technology and medical care. Also like the process of doing this work is going to make me have no life, waking up too early and then coming back at 4 PM, I'm going to be dead beat tired and won't have time for my family, if I even get a family doing this job.
    I will not take this job because it does not suit me, and my dream job is not digging a giant hole and filling it up back again, it is to be one of those very boring people working in a company space full of cubicles along other people working like how they did in Spongebob, a "normal" job, that is the job I wish to have.
    Sincerely, Henry Ariyakham

  8. I would not take this job even though the pay is very fair. The reason why is because if i want to quit or get out they would take me to jail! Thats just crazy plus a pick and a shovel ? What am i suppose to do with a pick? Thats just plain silly to me.

    Also when you hit your 40's you can't do the same things you use to when you are young so you expect me to keep doing the same job until im 62 and using a stupid old pick and shovel! Nada not me can't do it.

    But its not only that its the fact that i m signing my life away to the devil in a weird way.It offers you everything that you would want but if you choose to change your path they want to punish you. That job just don't sound right me so im so not for it.And im not for digging a dumb old hole for the rest of my days until i m old that itself don't make any sense for someone to do.

    So on thats note i would not take this job it dosent't matter what it has to offer what do matters is what i want to do with me my life and how i choose to live it without having a contract holding me back.

    Nysha Johnson

  9. Simply I would not take this job just to dig a hole and fill it back up at the end of the day before the time is over. The reason I would not dig a whole until I am 62 years old will be giving.

    First reason I would not do this boring job is If I mess up one time I will go to jail until the time I was suppose to retire from the job. So not messing up is still like being in jail because you are doing the same thing every single day from 8am-4pm. If I did not complete the task by the end of the day I would go to jail. And I only have a 30 minute lunch break, eating one time would not full me up for the rest of the day.

    Second reason I would not do this no life boring job because this will damage my health. By taking this job is like killing myself faster. It would damage my health by the things I would be inhaling while I was digging the whole and filling the hole back up. If I wanted to die faster i would do easier and faster to kill me.

    The last reason I would not take the job is because I can go to college and get a job that will pay more or the same amount of money that will keep me a live longer. Yes I get paid 100k but digging a hole for 6 hours will be boring. I can go to college and have fun and find a job that will pay that much over time. The amount of money they will pay me is not a slight chance that I would take the job.

    To conclude why I would not take this boring and low life job are because of risk I would take to going to jail, my health, and there are more jobs out there that will pay me the same or more over time.

  10. I would not want to take on this job even though it is highly paid include those things because I would not want to put my life in danger and let my family worried about me. Also if i want to quit or retired early I can't because they would lock me in jail.In this job we can only retired at age of 62 and the luch break was not long enough its only 30 minutes.

    First, I'm not used to grueling work and my body can't stand doing this kind of work. Its a hard work for me and this job is dirty too. I will be sweating alot from this job and it can ruin your health. You can get a sprain in the back or anywhere from your body from this kind of job, too.

    Second, I don't want to work at the same place over again and again. It is boring doing the same hole again and You can't find happiness in this job. In this job you could be thirsty from water of drink too.

    Third. It was not worth doing this job because it it wasting my time and also it is no fun at all. Digging a very deep hole with a shovel and a pick is too much work. You have to dug the dirt out and then put it back in again in the last two hours of your working time. In this job it is the same as toturing me because I have to repeat the same process every working day.

    Conclusion, I stated that its not worth my time and also my life to do this knid of job. I would rather work somewhere else that is not to dangerous for me and there are so much opportunies that is open up for us if we look hard for it.

    By: Doris Luu

  11. I would take this job for a # of reasons. The pay is very good, and the other perks are just as good too. 62 is around the normal retiring age. As well as the working hours are normal. Basically the job is very easy in my mind.
    The first reason is because the pay is very good. 100k is very good for just digging a hole and refilling it. Also with performance bonuses & promotions that is more then most people ever get. I dont know if being a hole digger is a actual job in terms of gov't. But all this seems better than sitting in a job office all day long.
    The next reason is because of the very normal hours. The typical hours of a normal workday is 9-5, look you get out an hour earlier. This will still give me time to still be a normal person.In addition i get the holidays off along with the paid vacation I will also still have time to chill.
    The last reason I would take this job is because you get benefits. Most jobs of this magnitude basically do not get insured. As well as that health insurance is expensive. To have it be given to me is great in my mind.Why would you not get free insurance!!
    In all you, need to be a real man (or woman) to do this job! With everything this job offers I would take this because in this economy a structured safe job is hard to find.

  12. I won't take this job because its hard, boring, and it doesn't use my skills . And it is not good for my health, I could get a very bad sickness from digging a hole all the days of my life and bending over and doing the same job everyday is definitely going to cause me a back problem and I may not even make it to the age of forty,because by the time I'm forty I won't be able to walk with my back up straight. Digging a hole or playing in the dirt everyday causes a lot of bad diseases because you will never know what's in the dirt. Maybe someone was buried there thousands years ago, all I'm saying is I will never take a job like that, it has no reputation, no profession, its unhealthy for the human body because my health is more wealthy than the job

    Ranya Haney Kenyon
