Thursday, June 20, 2013

Native Son

Act II Questions

1.     What type of women do Abigail and company first accuse of witchcraft?

2.     What does Proctor mean when he says to Elizabeth that “It’s winter in here yet”?  What does his metaphor imply about their relationship?

3.     Why is Proctor hesitant to tell Elizabeth what Abigail confessed to him about there being no witchcraft among the girls, only foolish dancing in the woods?

4.     Why does Mary Warren, who is timid and shy by nature, suddenly discover courage and tell the Proctors that they will not control her?

5.     Why hasn’t Proctor had his third son baptized yet?

6.     Why is Rebecca Nurse charged with witchcraft?  Be specific.

7.     Which commandment does John Proctor forget when Rev. Hale asks him to recite the Ten Commandments?  Why is this an example of irony?

8.     Explain how Abigail makes use of the poppet that Mary sewed in court.

9.     Why does Mary say that Abigail will do to Proctor if he tries to defend Elizabeth?

10.  What does Proctor mean when at the end of Act II when he says about Salem, “We only what we always were, but naked now”?

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