Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Find Your Greatness"

Watch the video below from Nike that aired during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.  

Then, read the following article from Time Magazine

Finally, make a post in the comments section of this blog entry that includes the following:

  1. Your name.
  2. A clear thesis that identifies whether or not you agree with the premise of this article.
  3. Two arguments in support of your thesis.  
*Note: You are encouraged--but not required--to make other posts responding to what your classmates are saying.



  1. Sierra Hall
    I believe that the video Nike has is not exploiting obese people! People argued that he looks tired and like he is struggling but that is apart of greatness, he could just be determined! Also obesity is becoming a big part in America and a lot of clothes companies don't have clothes that fit big people at least Nike is recognizing the problem that people are becoming big!

  2. Ruth Fraticelli
    I agree with the premise of this article. I find no offense to "big people" in it. Nike shows how greatness is hard to achieve. Others struggle, climbing from the bottom to the top, and others are born with the "silver spoons" in their mouths, close tot he finish line. They use this young boy as a symbol of struggle, and how he's pushing his limits to reach something he really wants. Nike is also showing the support to an America in a better shape. They are willing to make their merchandise in a 'bigger' size, willing to help others who want to be helped, who want to be in shape.

  3. I felt as though it was a good commercial explaining how anyone be greatness no matter what size color or being you are there are no physical look on what greatness can be.

    -Nysha Johnson

  4. I Think The Commercial Was Okay & Proved Its Point.I Don't Think it Is Offensive To Over Weight People I Think It Should Motivate More People To Get out There To Reach/Succeed At There Goals. I Feel As Though Nike Is Just Trying To Pursue More People To Get Out There & Be More Active So They Wont Get Over Weight In the First Place.

    -Zaire Holmes

  5. Stephen Taing
    I agree with the article and I think that the main idea of the commercial is let people know that if you try and strive for your goal it will come true. The commercial does not show that there is a lot of obese people in world but that people can have a potential to succeed in what they believe in.

  6. Kevin Sam
    I think that the video wants to let people know that you got to work hard to become great. this was an example not to give up on something you begin on

  7. Malvin H Wijaya
    I agree with the article. It's not about Nike exploit the obesity people, but i think it's about people's will. If u have a will to do something and u do it, like the narrator in the video said “we’re all capable of it. All of us.”

  8. I agree with the article. I don't think Nike is exploiting 'fat people' because Nathan is determine to lose weight, the fact that Nathan kept pushing up and down the hill to reach his goal. Whether or not we know it's set up by Nike, but it is said, he got sick in the ditch. Also Nike is advertising with Nathan in the video means greatness isn't easily achieved, it's by lots of effort and determination

  9. Angeline Low
    I have to agree with the article. It's not always about the athletics or anybody else who have the 'looks' to fit in the commercial for Nike. It shouldn't be offensive for people like that, but instead it gives other people courage and makes them determine to what they want to do.

  10. In my opinion,I can concede with the idea that the boy (Nathan Sorrel)is an example of "greatness" because even when he is obese he is working hard to achieve his goals. We all have struggles in life, but the key is to overcome them in a positive way.Clearly, we need to keep looking forward in our lives, and not let society tell you that you can't accomplish your goals.

    -Diana Cruz

  11. In my opinion, Nike sent an inspiring message to everyone that has seen that commercial video about anyone can become a athlete or achieve a goal through hard work and aspiration, though I would still say they're exploiting overweight people. Seeing how obesity is a problem in America, they took the chance to inspire overweight people to work hard to a goal to lose weight with hard work and determination. Now maybe overweight people will start buying Nike stuff to work out in, who knows? Well Nike clearly broadcasted a inspiring message to encourage Americans to work hard towards anything they want to accomplish but exploited overweight people. Like subliminal messaging. - Henry Ariyakham

  12. Terry Nay

    I agree with this video, I do not see any offense in obesity people. To me It's not talking about obesity at all. It's stating that everyone can strive to become the person that they want to be. Everyone can succeed into something they put their mind into. You don't have to be in good shape or smart or anything to become the person you want to be or to reach the goal you are willing to succeed. It just takes dedication to strive your goals and become the person you want to be. MR. LON!

  13. Qingxia Li
    I agree with the article. I don't think Nike is exploit the big obesity people. I think this commercial is just to encourage people with obesity to get better shape and try hard.

  14. Johnny Chhay a.k.a logic
    Does Nike’s ‘Greatness’ Ad Exploit Fat People? I do not think that the Nike "greatness" ad is exploiting fat people do to the fact that they have a fat kid running.

    I think this because he is running for his purpose to slim down. Even though he is tired running, he is making the choice to keep running. This is also is trying to motivate obese kids to excise to get out and excises. They want to motivate them because our country is one of the obese places, so if kids get motivated this can help lower the obesity level in our country. This ad is not exploiting obese kids also because it's showing that anyone no matter what size you are can be come great. It just take heart to so you can mentally yourself push to become exercise to become great and healthy.

    That is why I believe they are3 not exploiting obese kids.
