Thursday, June 7, 2012

Act I Questions:

1.)   Why is Rev. Parris really concerned about his daughter Betty’s involvement in witchcraft?

2.)   Describe John Proctor and Abigail’s feelings for one another. 

3.)   What does Mrs. Putnam hope the existence of witchcraft in Salem can explain for her?

4.)   What is Rev. Parris the first minister in the history of Salem to demand?

5.)   How does Rebecca Nurse attempt to explain the strange behavior of Betty Parris and Ruth Putnam?

6.)   What does Rev. Hale warn Parris and the inhabitants of Salem that they must be able to accept before he begins his investigation for witchcraft?

7.)   How does Giles Corey accidentally make his wife, Martha, a suspect in the witch hunt?

8.)   If you could use one word to describe Abigail, what would it be?  Support your choice with examples from Act I.

9.)   What makes Tituba an ideal scapegoat for the likes of Abigail and Parris?

10.) Why do all of the girls confess to witchcraft at the end of Act I, especially when they were innocent of it?

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