Thursday, June 12, 2014

Native Son

Native Son Essay Question

Native Son

Native Son Essay Question: Essay must be a minimum of FIVE PARAGRAPHS in length.  Cite specific evidence from the novel to support your argument.


Who are you?  Are you who you are because it was your nature at birth to be that way, or is it because your environment nurtured you to become the person that you are?

Do not fret if this question perplexes you; the Nature vs. Nurture debate is one of the oldest in psychology: 

In this essay, analyze the Nature vs. Nurture question by arguing what you feel is the ultimate cause of identity.  Support your argument by analyzing what Native Sonhas to say about this debate, particularly as seen through the experiences of its protagonist, Bigger Thomas.  

Native Son

Second Reading: Native Son, by Richard Wright

Native Son, by Richard Wright

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Native Son

Native Son Short Essay Question

Native Son Short Essay Questions- Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.  Each answer must be a minimum of TWO FULL paragraphs in length.

1.) What message does Native Son deliver on religion?

2.) Why do the Communists (Max and Jan) take a particular interest in Bigger?

3.) Does Native Son endorse violence as a way of overcoming racism?  Explain.

4.) Why does Bigger feel as though white society is “blind”?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Celebrities as Role Models

Do you feel as though celebrities should be considered role models for youth?
  • Introductory paragraph that provides important context for this question and issues a clear thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraph #1 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
  • Body paragraph #2 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
NOTE- Support your argument by citing the examples of celebrities past and present.

Due Date: Friday, Dec. 6th @ 4:30pm

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Change in Secondary Education

You are all high school veterans, and veterans have opinions that are carved out of personal experience.

What does your experience tell you should be changed in high school education?  It could be a national topic, a topic that affects you as a student in the School District of Philadelphia, or a topic that is entirely unique to being a student at Furness High School.

Structure your analysis as follows:
  • Introductory Paragraph that provides important background on the topic and a clear thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraph #1 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraph #2 that argues in support of the thesis statement.
  • Conclusion Paragraph that discusses why this issue is of importance.
Due Date: Friday, Nov. 15th @ 4:30pm 

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Washington Redskins Team Name Debate

First, read the following articles on the Washington Redskins team name debate:

Change It:

President Obama urges name change:

NBC Sports' Bob Costas refers to the team name as a "slur":

Keep It:

Team owner Daniel Snyder pens an open letter explaining why he is against changing the name:

2004 Annenberg Study cites that 90% of Native Americans are not offended by the name:


Do you feel that the Washington Redskins franchise should change the name of their team?  Read the pro and con articles above and then craft a three paragraph reply that features the following:

  • Introductory paragraph discussing the issue and concluding with a clear thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraph #1 that argues in support of the thesis.
  • Body Paragraph #1 that argues in support of the thesis.
Please note that a significant percentage of your grade for this blog will be determined by how well you incorporate information from the attached articles.  

DUE: MONDAY, OCT. 21st by 4:30pm

Monday, September 30, 2013

Free Speech in America

Prompt: Should the expressed views and protests of Westboro Baptist Church be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Read the following articles to help you formulate your position:

Then, construct your own argument with the following features (four total paragraphs):
  • Thesis Statement that clearly presents your position on this issue
  • Supporting Argument #1
  • Supporting Argument #2
  • Supporting Argument #3

Due Monday, Oct. 7 by 4:30pm.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

George Washington and Slavery

  • George Washington owned 317 slaves at the time of his death.
  • George Washington was one of the only plantation owners to recognize slave marriages.
  • George Washington repeatedly refused to sell slaves if it meant that they would be separated from their families.
  • George Washington stated in his will that upon his wife Martha's death, his estate, Mount Vernon, would be sold and the proceeds would be used to pay for the freedom and education of the 124 slaves that he owned outright.
  • But still... George Washington owned 317 slaves at the time of his death.
How do you assess the morality of George Washington?  Three paragraphs:

  • Thesis
  • Supporting Argument #1
  • Supporting Argument #2

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Affirmative Action in College Admissions?

First, read the following article:

Then, formulate your own position on this issue (three total paragraphs):
  • Thesis Statement
  • Supporting Argument #1
  • Supporting Argument #2


Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Crucible

First Reading: The Crucible, by Arthur Miller

The Crucible, by Arthur Miller

The Crucible

Act I Questions:

1.)   Why is Rev. Parris really concerned about his daughter Betty’s involvement in witchcraft?

2.)   Describe John Proctor and Abigail’s feelings for one another. 

3.)   What does Mrs. Putnam hope the existence of witchcraft in Salem can explain for her?

4.)   What is Rev. Parris the first minister in the history of Salem to demand?

5.)   How does Rebecca Nurse attempt to explain the strange behavior of Betty Parris and Ruth Putnam?

6.)   What does Rev. Hale warn Parris and the inhabitants of Salem that they must be able to accept before he begins his investigation for witchcraft?

7.)   How does Giles Corey accidentally make his wife, Martha, a suspect in the witch hunt?

8.)   If you could use one word to describe Abigail, what would it be?  Support your choice with examples from Act I.

9.)   What makes Tituba an ideal scapegoat for the likes of Abigail and Parris?

10.) Why do all of the girls confess to witchcraft at the end of Act I, especially when they were innocent of it?

Native Son

Act II Questions

1.     What type of women do Abigail and company first accuse of witchcraft?

2.     What does Proctor mean when he says to Elizabeth that “It’s winter in here yet”?  What does his metaphor imply about their relationship?

3.     Why is Proctor hesitant to tell Elizabeth what Abigail confessed to him about there being no witchcraft among the girls, only foolish dancing in the woods?

4.     Why does Mary Warren, who is timid and shy by nature, suddenly discover courage and tell the Proctors that they will not control her?

5.     Why hasn’t Proctor had his third son baptized yet?

6.     Why is Rebecca Nurse charged with witchcraft?  Be specific.

7.     Which commandment does John Proctor forget when Rev. Hale asks him to recite the Ten Commandments?  Why is this an example of irony?

8.     Explain how Abigail makes use of the poppet that Mary sewed in court.

9.     Why does Mary say that Abigail will do to Proctor if he tries to defend Elizabeth?

10.  What does Proctor mean when at the end of Act II when he says about Salem, “We only what we always were, but naked now”?

The Crucible

Act III Questions

1.     What is ironic about the petition that Francis Nurse had 91 Salem villagers sign?
2.     What does Giles Corey accuse Thomas Putnam of doing?

3.     Which character repeatedly claims that anydefense offered by Proctor is “an attack upon the court”:   

4.     What does Judge Hathorne ask Mary Warren to do in order to prove her innocence? (Hint- she tries, but is unable to do it.)

5.     What does Proctor mean when he says “I have made a bell of my honor!  I have rung the doom of my good name—you will believe me, Mr. Danforth!

6.     What causes Mary to snap at the end of Act III and accuse Proctor of being “The Devil’s Man”?

7.     Rev. Hale denounces the proceedings and quits the court at the end of Act III.  How is this foreshadowed in Act I?

8.    How does Abigail once again control the court at the conclusion of Act III?

The Crucible

Act IV Analysis


Analyze Aristotle's definition of a Tragic Hero.  Based on this definition, do you believe that John Proctor is an example of one?  In 4-5 paragraphs, support your analysis with citations from the text.   

                                                Definition of a Tragic Hero:

A tragic hero has the potential for greatness but is doomed to fail. He is trapped in a situation where he cannot win. He makes some sort of tragic flaw, and this causes his fall from greatness. Even though he is a fallen hero, he still wins a moral victory, and his spirit lives on.